Chapter 14: Freshman Friday - Fifth Floor (Part 2) - Late 10th Hour Ranger

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Krystal's optimism flowed. "Ah, I've always wanted to say that! Or maybe I should've said I'm here to change up the bracket. Maybe your game's just been hacked! No, that's not right."

He was still shocked she was here. "Um, Krystal?"

Then her rambling stopped. "Oh right," helping him up. "Sorry bout that, that was pretty cringy wasn't it?"

"No, they kinda fit, but what are you doing here? How'd you get up here anyways?"

Akira was struggling to get up when they heard a sound from the helmet, which announced half of the deactivation was already there. Strider thanked the stars, they were halfway there to defeat him. But Krystal continued.

    "I figured there might be a plot twist, so I made my own." He leaned his head over in confusion. "It's a long story, lemme explain. So after you all left-"


A few minutes ago on the Fourth Floor

    Kevin orbited his view of his surroundings to get a clear view at what was going on. Mark was resting on a nearby locker, Shamlya and Janill were fleeing from Ebony, Tori was pummeling someone into the floor with her turquoise hair now flowing with slight shades of green while another upperclassmen was on the ground next to her.

    Omega's kicks left him a bit mentally displaced, when Ken and Eliza helped him up a bit more.

    "Yo, student-teacher, you good?"

    "My dear Kevin, are you alright?"

    "I think so." Then he saw the shadows on the ground approaching them. "Ken, Eliza, hit behind you!"

    Ken and Eliza quickly complied, kicking back two thirds of Akira's trio. The third struck Ken in the face, but the latter held onto their arm long enough for Eliza to swoop behind and deactivate the armor from the back as it dropped on the floor. In a fit of blazing rage, Eliza punched him straight inside the classroom flying past his two compatriots.

"Ahh, so that's where that pride comes from," Ken snarked.

Eliza puffed. "I was saving my power for the fifth floor, but it seems I have to waste my talents at these bothersome riff-raff."

Ken smirked. "Normally I'd do this on my own, but those things kicked my butt before," caressing her chin. "Wanna help me out?" She slapped his hand away.

"You're the furthest individual from considering themselves my equal. However, you do seem suitable to hire, as my bodyguard."

I don't remember her being this, rather prideful.

Omega was attempting to cough and blow out the ink still stuck in his face granting them a bit of time. He spotted Mr. Kazeshiro and the rest of the sophomores in the history room with the same time of foam, and the anti-virus installed which he assumed was his cousin's doing. Kevin started formulating a plan.

He yelled at Tori from far away, "help out Janill and Shamlya!" Back to Eliza and Ken, he summoned two titles inside the room which tripped back the two seniors. "You managed to stop Tempest, but Jed and Luke's records showed impressive physical prowess. Can you two try and hold them off? I'll deal with the antivirus and Omega. When I'm done we can free Mr. Kazeshiro and storm the fifth floor."

Ken laughed at their names while Eliza showed a bit of concern towards his physical status but Kevin felt confident enough to handle it. His gauntlet noted that there was only a few minutes left until it would be complete, but it was already 10:20am. They only needed a few more minutes and if he could access it manually, it would go by faster, but semantics.

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