Chapter 27: Rival Gymnastics - First Half

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Outside, Krystal's hand pondered on one of the many flyers that someone had put up around the gym, Be a Fire Starter and Soar with Cheerleading Club.

"Fire, huh. Hmm." She threw it up in the air, and flipped without using her hand, slipping as she landed on the floor. "Dang it, still outta practice," sighing. "Guess I'm still too cold," she said with a finger on her chin. "How do I start a fire that makes me go whoa?" Looking over to see Yuki playing basketball by her lonesome as Akira's group headed over in her direction, Krystal assumed the best thing to do was to just trust herself more, like yesterday, hoping not to let anything startle her.

Then she sniffed and smelt something burning. Confused, she then jumped at what sounded like an explosion.


She saw most of the freshmen run out of the locker room, then Devin carrying Johnny out, and suddenly Ken flew out of the room, rolling on the floor while engulfed in smoke. Then, Krystal noticed someone flying straight towards her. She caught them, spun them around with all the might her fist could mention, and caught them in her arms. She blew the dust away, and found Strider coughing and puffing up smoke, embarrassed and shocked.

"My hero," he said singsongy, hugging her tight. "Nice catch."

Krystal blinked and blew off some of the smoke in front of him. "Did you just blow up the locker room?"

Strider's eyes swung like a pendulum. "Long story short," as the seniors coughed, and sprinklers started going off inside the room, rolled yes from out of his mouth. Then, Strider's face mumbled, and the two caught wind of Akira's friends, particularly Tempest, stealing the ball from Yuki as she went to grab it from the net, pushing her away and holding her back when she tried to grab it. She ran after it, asking them to let her try, only for Tempest to throw it to Jed and Luke, and making her run after it as they threw it around each other, mocking her as she ran out of breath. When Jed tossed it to Luke again, the ball slipped and landed at Hanaka's feet, next to them.

"Finished changing," wearing a silver gym shirt with a leaf in the middle. She pointed to the sprinklers. "What happened there?" The guys yelled at her,  unaware of what was going on next to them, and Hanaka pointed to herself. "They want me to play huh? I just have to get the ball in the net, right?"

Strider answered her, but before he realized she didn't know the rules, Hanaka kicked the ball forward, and their eyes widened as she dribbled the ball with her feet, flipping past Jed, dodging Luke, and lifted the ball, kicking it all the way into the net. The ball dropped, and fell straight down on Tempest's head, making him scream as Yuki grabbed the ball, and headed over to Hanaka. Strider and Krystal summarized their thoughts in one word.


Yuki thanked Hanaka and glomped her much to the former's confusion. As Krystal helped Strider land on the floor, Tori and Kevin walked into the room, curious as to why the sprinklers were on. Strider started explained what happened to everyone around, when Mr. Guy walked in.

"Why is there hell in the locker room?" They all looked inside the room. Even with the sprinklers, the flames were still blazing in the room.

Strider had a feeling the seniors were about to point fingers at Devin and Johnny. He quickly let Kevin and Hanaka know what was up, and jumped in front of the two when Kyle shifted gears and blamed Strider for it instead.

"Lying snitch. He's the one who burned me, Dennis, and Topher." The others backed him up. Coach Guy seemed to be struggling between the two, and just pressed a button similar to Kevin's, and the platform beyond the seven of them disappeared, as they all fell in.

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