Chapter 55: Revelations & Rest

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Strider, horrified at the twisted situation, tried to figure out the end goal for their enemies. Either Xenosis' group would gain unlimited power to create what they would with the Grand Creation Core, or they would risk becoming mutants and face death.

"So what do we do," completely lost for an idea.

Kevin sighed. "All isn't lost," revealing a schematic for what looked like Kevin's body on one side, a clone on the other, and a humanoid exoskeleton in the middle.

"It's only a theory, but there is a way to stabilize their bodies to prevent that from occurring. It's why you, Krystal, Eliza, and Tori will be safe," showing him an image of the three Creation Cores, and Kevin with a group of some of the scientists, almost none of whom Strider recognized.

"The cores have something to do with it?"

Kevin nodded. "The Ordinance Core can control the output of their bodies. With the Creation Core, we could create either an exoskeleton or another body, and transfer their consciousness and souls from one body to the next. Meanwhile, like my exoskeleton and Raven, it's taken me a while to develop a way to transfer the energy of Stress Spirits into something comfortable, but if it's so, we can stop the potential mutation. And if we have the Destruction Core, we can destroy the mental stimulations that can cause the mutations."

"So we can save them!" Then it hit Strider. "We don't know who has the Grand Ordinance Core yet, do we?" He puffed. "Dang it."

"For now, I'll have to keep developing the devices to control the Stress Spirits output to some extent. I can pull some connections, but I'll need more tech."

"Meanwhile he and his crew probably have their own. That explains their armor."

"Which is a temporary solution. They'll need a lot of backing to develop stronger ones."

"Oh yeah," letting Raven go to the charging station. "Raven got some of their memories back!"

Raven showed Kevin the memory it has at five percent, who seemed pleased.

"Great. Because we might need Raven at 100% soon."

"Why? To battle Xenosis?"

"Partially. Raven has memories of what was on the data log for Project: Evangelion, the visual moments of what happened during some of the events I was around, and we can use that to find out some of things that went down while I wasn't around. I want to stop Xenosis and help which of the kids are working for him, but if there are other players around, we can figure out who else was responsible."

"So how come Tori and I are safe?"

"Easy, we used the Creation and Ordinance Core to make a vaccine so that wouldn't happen to anyone around. The latter might be gone, but its output still persists throughout the school."

Strider was reminded of a previous conversation they had. "So that's why you didn't want to bring the fight to him."

"Yup. This is already stressful enough. Dragging you all in only to risk such a fate...I can't let any of you go through that!"

Strider patted him on the back. "I've got you though. You're not handling this alone," with an intense face. When Kevin looked up, Strider's Stress Spirits were both in agreement.

Before Kevin could say something, Strider heard his phone ring, and answered it on speaker, only to be responded with loud aggression.

"Where have you been?! It's almost 7:00pm, why aren't you home, the phone has been ringing the whole day! Stop ignoring my calls or I'll take away your phone!"

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