Chapter 26: Locker Room Talk+ Locker Room Fights

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Strider made haste and blitzed to the sixth floor in record time. His goal was simple as he entered the locker room, much wider and brightly colored orange walls and blue lockers with a door to the shower and bathroom, and a secondary section for the bigger shower section for multiple individuals. Change before anyone could see his underwear and mock him, be dressed quick enough for some warm up, and get out before a fight could ensue. Quickly, he changed clothes, but as he dropped his gym shirt down, he screamed, shocked at the sight of Devin.

"You're rather," clearly out of breath, "fast."

Johnny, drained, fell behind him. "Someone seems steadfast for salvation. A bit too fast, perhaps."

"Sure...why did you two run after me anyways? I'm almost done, I can give you two lovebirds some space."

Devin shook his head. "Training. We need to get stronger."

Johnny shed more light. "We didn't do much during the whole Upperclassmen Uprising-that's what we're calling it right? I picked the first floor. I thought it'd be easier since the first floor has the least problematic people on it."

Wait, in video games or apartments. He shook the thought off. "Guys, it's okay. Hey, I wish I could stop people from fighting without having to fight. Music to soothe the savage beast and all that, right?"

Devin started changing as well. "That's true. But after hearing what happened to you guys," struggling to get his shirt on, "I don't want another punch to the face or see Johnny's body fall to the floor in front of my eyes again," looking down. "Gym class is a good excuse for that."

Johnny smirked as he started changing as well. "So let's work ourselves to death to get even stronger."

Strider rolled his head over with a slight giggle. "We can't be revived if we die, but I guess that works," scratching his head. It made sense to him, gym class was the only way he'd garner some respect from the guys in middle school, especially since beating the others athletically tended to get some of them off his back. Key word being some. He was going to ask them more until Johnny put his shirt on in revenge and Devin had to help him, chalking it up to fatigue.

Soon after, Mark, Ron, Zhichao, and Durby arrived respectively. All but Ron were pretty eager to talk about their favorite positions and sports, reminding Strider that it was one of the first sports Coach mentioned they were starting while Ron headed off into a corner to change, silent and calm. Ken was the last of the freshmen boys to enter, but didn't have a bag or anything, just stood there casually looking around with his feet on the locker room. Strider waved to him.

"Didn't bring it?"

Ken gave him a face that looked like he wanted to punch him. "That a problem?"

Strider shook his head and was able to head out when most of the seniors came in much to his dismay, forcing him to backstep. He figured just jumping out was necessary, but didn't want to leave Johnny and Devin alone in there. At first, everything seemed fine, and Strider was ready to grab the two and go walk out. As soon as the last person came in, Strider noticed their hands on the lights and dashed all the way to the back, grabbing his bag to use as a shield, knowing full well what was going to happen.

"Everyone move!"

The moment the lights went off, hooting and hollering violent roared and echoed through the closed off environment as the sound of lockers being bashed, feet rushing around, sounds of people pushing around, the sounds of Durby and Johnny's screams, the sounds of struggling and "let me go," the sound of random things being thrown around, and the sounds of someone familiar yelling fight over and over again. He had a plan for this, keeping shielding and punching anything and anyone in front of him to avoid getting hurt.

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