Chapter 51: Clean 3

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Tori considered herself the strongest of her sisters. While Eliza was arguably more well rounded and Krystal was the most apathetic and agile, she always trained herself in the rec room, and exercised. After a certain incident, she prepared herself for any physical situation in spite of her short limbs. Handling would be bullies, violent classmates, potential kidnappers using them for ransom. older kids harassing others in their efforts to gain unofficial territory over the park she and Mark would play in, that teacher and one kid who attempted to get too hands on with Eliza, and several more were ones she was able to punch through with no problem. Ken wasn't the only one who could take on gangs and a crowd of thugs without breaking a sweat. Most of those she didn't even need Leviathan for, every day was physical training for her,

Fighting robots with sentient controllers on the other hand was a bit too much even for her. Her training granted her high physical power and stamina, evident by how many hits she was taking from both robot's attacks, enduring punch after kick, but failed in every attempt to reach the controller chip several times. It didn't help that one of them stopped fighting, which she found offensive.

"What, I'm not worth it to you?"

In reality, Xenosis needed to take a bathroom break as the robot stood still. Tori decided to lunge up and take advantage to disable the one he was controlling, but Chime interfered, pushing the robot's arm joints to its limits before picking her up by the hair, and slamming her into the locker.

Tori slowly dropped to the floor, but picked herself up from kneeling. Heavily breathing into resisting losing consciousness, Tori's brain flooded with the drive to come out with some way to help out as the guys started throwing sports equipment that landed from the elevator to back her up but to little avail. And Leviathan wasn't answering.

What washed up in her mind was a question, the one her younger self asked her parents.

"Papa, mama, why did you name Tori?"

The answer they gave her was simple.

"We liked the name Elizabeth. She was always over you two back when you were born, like a queen watching over everyone."

"Krystal cried so hard, but her tears shined like a diamond."

"And you were easy Victoria. When you climbed over to us, you made me feel like you wouldn't give up on anything."

"Of course not," a young Tori pumped her fists. "I'll become so strong, I'll protect Eliza and Tori no matter what."

In the present, she wondered what led to her sisters being so split now. Regardless, Chime's janitor raced at her for one deadly strike with the broom.

"Leviathan, please just work with me one more time."

Her hair rose as her palm stopped the edge of the broom, pulling the robot close to her as she leaped up on it's back, locking hands and running up, finally above her adversary. Letting go, she violently kneed it in its back and smashed it into the floor pavement, about to grab the controller chip off.

Then a violent kick to the face washed away her would be victory, rolling over to the floor. Xenosis lifted her up and began dragging her away.

That's when Tori realized what was going on. She didn't know why, but they were trying to kidnap her specifically. Mark ran to her aid, attempting to help. But Tori yelled at him not to and let Eliza and Krystal know what was going down, kicking, fighting, screaming, doing anything to slow them down. If they could let the others know, she could at least warn her sisters of the danger ahead, even resorting to an attempt to crush the arm, breaking free and rushing over to the other guys.

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