Chapter 29: Rival Gymnastics - Overtime

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Strider's ears could hear the coach yelling something about a break for a few minutes, and found him trying to help him up.

"Xanthos, Xanthos! You alive?"

The pain was still there. "Black-white sight, Akira plan, shake legs, gas chest," inaudibly describing his pain. After his face was felt up, Coach rested him on the bleachers and came back over with a bottle of water and a bucket of water, throwing the latter from his head down, and getting him to sip the second for a bit.

"Take it easy, you got hit pretty hard. Sit out the next round if you want."

Coach left to check up on Tori, whereas everyone, including Kevin, were checking up on her instead, making his cheeks puff up in jealousy. Still, he wanted to contribute to the next round. The water helped cool his thinking, giving him an idea, getting up and holding his explosive stomach up in an attempt to get to his bag. However, Akira blurted out a very unfunny line.

"Hey look, a freshman found a girl to bust his nuts."

Ignoring that painful line while unable to ignore the ensuing laughter from the fellow seniors howling in front of his ears, Strider pulled up to his bag, opening it up when he got knocked down by the ball now rolling beside him. The laughter increased as Akira pointed out to his followers how much of a perfect shot he was.

Strider opened his bag as he heard Ebony punching Akira in the arm. "Okay, we get it, you made your point. Hey, has anyone got any acne cream?"

Strider took out a manga with the image of a kid kicking a soccer ball, acne cream, and a bag of disposable masks he kept from Friday, tossing the latter two objects to the dark skinned beauty.

"Uh, thanks, what's the mask for?"

Before he could answer, he fell back down to the floor from the pain his stomach gave him, releasing all that torment into a fart so loud and strong that the gas encompassed the entire right side of the bleachers the seniors were on, unable to see their quickening torment. Then he opened the book, quickly skimming through the pages since he had little time to enjoy it, eventually finding what he was looking for.

His head was feeling better, but everything below the waist still needed some time as he analyzed the pages." I can't pull this off, but," looking up at the guys, debating on what to do, "if two of them could work together, maybe."

Then his eye caught wind of a shadow of hand waving around in front of his. He raised his head to find Yuki waiting for him, and took her hand, unable to keep his cheekbones from slowly bloating. She had this to ask.

"Hey, are your balls okay?" He sucked his teeth as she giggled, covering her mouth to try and stop. "I mean it, though, gomen, I could not resist."

He sighed. "I'm fine, it'll just take me a few minutes to feel better. Felt like I got hit by a sea creature."

Yuki looked at the...pain he released, and sniffed. "Huh, it smells warm, like summer."

"Don't worry, the stench doesn't affect people with good hearts," casually blurting out loud, which made her chuckle even more, wondering how that worked. He just claimed it did.

"Oh, by the way, watcha reading?"

He immediately put it behind his head so she couldn't read what he was planning. "Nothing, something I used to read when I was younger. He tried crouching down but stretched out to give his inside space some breathing room, giving her enough time to see the cover while someone was behind him.

"Oh Whistle! I haven't seen that on dvd in years or read. I think there was a sequel a few years back that ended earlier this year. I didn't know it was here in the states."

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