Chapter 16: Freshman Friday - Fifth Floor (Part 4) - Securing the Fourth Floor

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A few minutes before:

Kevin and Hanaka weren't doing as fine as Strider and Krystal hoped. Kevin was still putting in the access codes, but every other second he had to dodge attacks from Jed and Luke, as Eliza and Ken weren't necessarily getting a shared group grade for their efforts. Every time he paid attention as to why, Ken would be trying to fight them both at once, Eliza seemed to be looking for an opening, and the two would get in each other's way, forcing them to dodge, and make him constantly look at the reflection in the tube as he was putting in the access codes to free Mr. Kazeshiro.

"Would it be a good idea to put our more individualistic students in groups together starting from the beginning of the semester?"

"Honestly sensei, I can definitely see both the pros and cons of both right now."

Then Ken was pushed back towards the two. Jed and Luke were about to fire at them when Eliza kicked Luke's cannon out of his hands, only for him to go after her. Ken sucked his teeth as Mr. Kazeshiro gave him some sage advice.

"You're used to fighting multiple opponents at once, but they're usually around your age range, correct?"

"How'd you? Well I have to put in more effort when they don't fit the norm."

"How about looking for a way out, you and Ms. Tripton focus on defense? Let them waste their energy, so you two have enough heart to keep going. Good idea, right?"

"Whatever," as Ken ran back, trying to punch Jed, who blasted at him. He jumped over to the desk and dodged, noticing the globe above him. At the same time, Eliza was left to fend for herself against the two, avoiding their attempts to grab and detain her with blazing fast precision. However, there weren't that many options left for her to move or risk harming the other sophomores and Kevin was debating on whether to help her. Then Eliza noticed a spray can on one locker and grabbed it when Luke grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms, followed by Jed.

"You're going to pay for that hit earlier!"

"Sorry, I don't pay for ransom, especially not from lower class thugs."

Jed pulled her hair. "Shut up, ugly slut," which only flared her up.

"You dare?" She sprayed through Jed's helmet into his eyes and tried punching through Luke's, though all it did was leave a small crack on his hand, and it seemed she was slightly freaking out. Then Ken pulled the globe down and threw with a lightning fast speed at Jed, who freed her from his grasp upon getting hit. Ken raced down and pulled Eliza away from their grasp as the two tried to lunge at her, only resulting in the two of them falling on each other's face. Kevin saw that Ken was considering attacking them while they were down, but they were still firing footballs, and energy shaped ones around as they were getting up, forcing themselves to run back and shield Kevin. Ken glazed at her.

"By the way, I thought you were supposed to be the best of your siblings."

"Of course I am. I'm just dealing with a tougher challenge. As the eldest, it's my responsibility to handle myself while ensuring the most minimal damage ever."

"Tch, sounds like an excuse."

"If you have a solution, speak it, or silence your mouth."

"Fine. Since we can't overpower them, wait for an opening and let's end it in one fell swoop. Sound about right, teacher?"

Mr. Kazeshiro nodded while Kevin just asked them for a bit more time since his gauntlet being cracked was not helping matters.

"As long as Hanaka could hold out against Omega, we'll be fine." He and Kazeshiro looked over and caught a glimpse of what was going on.

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