Chapter 78: Questions and Analysis

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Ken backed up. "I guess I have some secrets of my own," and updated Kevin on his meeting with Chrysa and Medusa.

"And you didn't say anything? You lied to me?!"

Not used to seeing him this way Ken backed up even further.

"Hey, neither of you are exactly trustworthy people. I needed to find out more information," tossing him the note Medusa gave him. "Either they were lying, you were setting us up against each other for some sick reason, or this was between two gangs that I didn't want to step into." Kevin read it, and tossed it back to him.

"Regardless," relieved, "I'm glad you were able to make it out of there in one piece," looking up. "You've even developed your own Stress Spirit."

Ken wasn't sure what that meant, until he looked up and saw the golden and purple unicorn spirit, surging with lightning all around.

"Lightning Horn? So that wasn't just me tripping balls. That came from me?"

Kevin gave him the Cliff notes of what they were. He wiped off sweat from his face.

"That's how I felt a bit stronger that night. Not bad," fist pumping his spiritual ally he couldn't touch. "There's one more thing I need to ask you, Kevin."

"I'm listening."

"Was this place funded with backing from the Yadaoxing Corporation?"

"The adoption and youth center for the homeless? I recall they gave a small donation for the school, but nothing major."

"Well there's two things you should know. The guys me and your cousin hunted down to find Eliza? In their van, they had something in there with their logo on it," tossing him the chunk of armor.

"This is from that night."

"It looked like the Varsity Armor things from before, except more high-tech. Medusa stole it, but I knocked a chunk off.

Raven, who was still in their charging station, flew out and grabbed it. Ken and Kevin followed them back to the console and keyboard of the Supercomputer, where Raven was scanning it and propped up details of the specs and data.

"This isn't good," showing him video evidence of Strider and Krystal fighting both Akira and Tempest. "That's an upgraded model of what those two had on."

Ken was just impressed that two, of all people, managed to fight them off. But Kevin knew better.

"That just means Medusa has been working on these the whole time, and," gasping, "Xenosis has been helping her. Then she's been inside the school the whole time!"

Ken asked him to calm down. "The snake person? I thought that was a guy." Kevin then asked him to describe the armor Chrysa had on, and Ken gave the exact colors. It was the same as that night and what was underneath Krystal.

On the screen, Kevin unveiled an image of several similar looking armors, extremely pissed.

"Medusa, if that's what she's going by now, was one of the researchers on the original Revolution Project with me. I wasn't around there, but whenever I was, she had always talked about making devices that could create and boost the effects of the Stress Spirit. But eventually she wanted to leave the project entirely."

"Why, she got too stressed out?"

"No. From what I recall, she was caught working on creating artificial Stress Spirits. At first, it was to help with the Varsity Armors to help them control their output without harming them, but Ivo caught wind of something."

"Lemme guess, experimenting with the kids."

Kevin shook his head. "Weapons designed for military use and to absorb and kill anyone with a Stress Spirit."

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