Chapter 32: Strider and Janill's Absurd Club Festival Journey

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By the way, as Strider pulled up his shirt to mimic being held up, why were those guys targeting you anyways, posing with his fingers back.

Janill's shirt changed. The guys from Friday. That added up.

Strider cracked his neck. He's just mad you kicked their butts.

Janill punched her fist and blew her fingers. I don't like fighting either.

He nodded, and patted her on the shoulder. Me too, I got your back.

The two ended up opening one of the many extra rooms that weren't available before, spotting high pitched music, with one girl singing very high pitched and moving her hands like a DJ. The latter part charmed Strider, but Janill wasn't feeling it, and he realized the criticisms to the girls that would sing terribly on trips in elementary school would also apply to him. Glee Club got the axe.

Next was the classical music club, who's music was so tired and yawning, he almost fell asleep. Mr. Blues had stopped his class as advisor, asking if Johnny and Devin were joining "true, authentic music." The elitism woke him up, and Janill seemed to be struggling with the music.

Cooking club seemed more promising until Strider's paranoia led him to a daydream where he made a mistake, resulting in a massive fire, resulting in the entire school going up and flames, remaining entirely hesitant. Janill seemed like she was enjoying it up until she tripped and spilled some batter on one of the members, who threw her mess right back at her. Janill ran out in a hurry, and Strider followed despite the member trying to apologize.

After a quick wash off, they headed to Volunteer, which Janill wanted to sign up for and despite her shyness, she seemed willing to help out with the charities. He declined but kept it on his radar, not helped that most of the juniors were staring him down. While Janill went to sign up, he overheard something that caught his mind.

"Make sure the freshmen's clubs don't receive much traction. Especially the history teacher's daughter. She's going to pay."

He walked out and when Janill was done, they headed over to STEM on the second floor. According to the owners, this was to help anyone struggling in math and science, but enough people already signed up that they were assigning tutors. Janill seemed curious to try, he gestured to her to try it, and after scraping her shoes against the pavement of her fears, Janill signed up.

Then there was the Nascar and Go Kart Racing club. Admittedly, it sounded really fun, only for the Silent and Quiet duo to walk out when one of the guys crashed into the wall.

As Janill went to the bathroom, Strider walked into a club dubbed Wattpad, Writing, and Fanfiction, curious. Writing class, especially free writing, was one of the few times he actually enjoyed his previous three year stint in hell. He was greeted by a sophomore who offered him to sign up, and asked him what compelled him to enter.

"I mean, I like tv, games, anime, and I used to read a lot when I was younger. Someone had to write all my favorite shows growing up, right? So, what, we just talk about books?"

"We write our own stories, talk about stories, read fics or write our own, and support each other."

After a few minutes of reading, he put the book down. "Why is this Hard on guy, um, how do you pronounce his name? My mom told me never to treat women like this. And isn't cheating on your boyfriend a bad thing?"

"I mean, I guess, but it's forbidden, interesting, realistic, and exotic!"

He was about to say something when what he read started flowing through his mind more, and an idea popped. "Wait, can I try something?"

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