Chapter 2: First Impressions, Meetings, Arrivals, and Rivals

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When Strider got off the train and began running towards the school, he only had forty minutes left till the first period of class. After a few more blocks, he puts his foot brake upon the sight of his school. The large six story building paled in comparison to it's massive width. The majestic blue and brown texture brick with technological lines mesmerized his brown eyes.


A few cars were parked, kids and parents were either talking but Strider kept walking towards the building. He stood there thinking about the mail he checked at the last minute to enter as a generic looking kid slightly taller than him with blond hair passed him by. Unbeknownst to him, Krystal, someone he would get to know over the course of the next couple of weeks was standing next to him, but wasn't aware of his presence. The two of them had another look at the building.

"It's a brand new start for me," both thought without speaking. "I can't afford to waste it this time."

The two raced towards the building. Strider then noticed her rollerblading, and considered trying to make his first friend, but she skated too fast for her to hear him, spotting her quickly enter the building. He lumped in disappointment, fear he'd lose another potential opportunity to make a friend in his year before only getting to know them in his final year and regretting never meeting them earlier. He followed suit, trying to remain cautiously upbeat.

When he opened the door, Strider bore witness to a long, stretching hallway, walking through two metal detectors. He was a bit surprised, though he remembered the brochure and details for applying included the school being both advanced and security heavy. After he passed, a machine fired a black shirt for him that read Freshmen on the front, an address to his locker, ID, and a slip that reminded him to download the school app.

"Cool." He took a longer look at the hallway he would most likely spend a lot of time in. It was blank canvas ripped for the opportunity to color. His aura vibed into two directions: hesitant with every step and being too nervous to look around or say something to anyone and excited, ready to take on anything. Furthermore, he was wondering about what type of people his classmates were, hoping for the most part they were nice. Every step he circled around, not sure of what to expect from anyone. Only soon after, he felt lost, and dizzy, accidentally crashing into someone.

"Oh crap I'm so sorry." He turned around, witnessing the young lady he hurt being lifted up by her two friends. As he was about to explain, he noticed the fourth girl in the group that took him aback. Her symmetrical black and white magician-esque attire fascinated him, but the black and white mask she was wearing alongside the gloves gave him more questions than answers. Besides, her beige hair looked really cool.

"Awmh, you're so adorable!" She helped up the friend, patching up the back before picking up the shirt Strider dropped, handing it back to him. "So you're a freshman huh." He nodded. "Totally get that, most of us transferred here anyway," patting him on the head.

"Oh." That added up. This was a brand new school. He guessed while this was the freshmen's first experience in school, most of the other upperclassmen must've transferred, curious as to why. But he didn't want to step on any toes. "I am. Thank you."

"Of course," taking off her mask, and revealing her dark skin that shined bright even with the lighting in the hallway. She then danced around to his shoulder. "Your face reads shy and surprised, eagerness and worry of embarrassment, gloom and gratitude to be here, right?"

He nodded, she was spot on. He was far from two faced, but always felt there were two sides to him, a quiet side that wasn't sure whether to trust those around them, and an eager hyper optimistic side he was afraid of showing. Though her existence made him feel more of the latter. "Yeah, I'm a bit worried. Oh, by the way, I'm going to look around, but do you know where our homerooms are?"

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