Chapter 50: Clean 2

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Strider's Raven stress spirit backed up, just as fearful as he was. He loved characters that would never give up, but this was ridiculous.

"That's why I want you away from them. They're part of the original Revolution Project."

He could see why Kevin was more serious than usual. "Like, the incident? So there were survivors after all. They have to be working for Xenosis at this point, it makes too much sense. But they're this strong?"

"We trained them in every aspect, physically, mentally, and they've had three years to train with their Stress Spirits. Unfortunately, someone gave them more intense training on the side. And I'm the one they think is to blame. Remember why I said I didn't want them to get their hands on the Creation Core?"

Strider could clearly see why. Scorpi wasn't having it.

"Lies and brainwashing your foolish little family. Is everyone in your family this insufferable?" She pulled out her sword. "Then again, I get to make two whiny losers bleed for the price of one!"

Strider was quickly to change to defend his cousin. "Go ahead and try! Blood is thicker than water," turning to Kevin and waiting for him to say something.

To his disappointment, Kevin didn't.

Kevin, you're supposed to say something cool to follow up with that!"

"Oh, I was?" That earned a growl from the younger cousin. "Like?"

"And no one can carve through that bond...or something like that."

Scorpi shook her head. "You really are the epitome of cringe."

Strider sucked his teeth. This time, his Dragon Stress Spirit emerged from his body, entirely letting his intuition and frustration take over. "Cringe culture never existed! You Kamen clowns just don't know how to have any fun. Although, your outfit looks great for the circus!"

"The only thing that'll be funny is when I beat your bloody face into a plup!"

"Why? So will my face end up as ugly as you? Oh, that explains the mask!"

"Strider," Kevin called out, trying to get him to chill and calm down.

"I'm fine," slightly turned his head back to Kevin and started to whisper. "I have an idea. If she charges at me, you go first, I'll trip them up, and you go for the KO," taking out a scroll from his pocket and putting it together while trying to let the adrenaline maintain his confidence as he continued his trash talking.

Strider and Scorpi went back and forth like a bunch of little kids, the former clearly planning something with his hands, while the other's itching to shut his mouth eventually culminated in the latter going for the kill.

"Duck!" Kevin yelled. Strider quickly squatted as Kevin kicked up and tossed a tile above his cousin's head to hit Scorpi.

Scorpi charged energy into her sword and with enough force, slashed through the tile, only for Strider to unveil and launch his Beyblade on the floor in Scorpi's path. Naturally, Scorpi tripped underneath the momentum, and Kevin moved Strider out of the way, lifting up a tile and delivered a fierce uppercut, smashing the armored warrior into the third floor ceiling. Screams of pain could be heard before two waves of Kevin's hands conducted a storm of tiles that swallowed Scorpi's body, and this time, the older cousin made sure the person underneath would be stuck in place.

"It should hold them for a bit longer." He patted Strider on the head. "Nice idea," handing him back his Beyblade.

Strider blushed. "Stop," waving his hands, "I'm just doing my best."

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