Chapter 28: Rival Gymnastics - Second Half

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As Coach blew the whistle, Strider stayed put, eager and willing to do his best as a defender as Ron got the ball first. However, as he was about to go forward, Mark took the ball from him much to the former and latter's confusion, as Tori followed up behind him, and the two spent some time trying to get away from one another in what went from an intense back and forth to what seemed like the two flirting with the ball.

"It's time for the student to become the master!"

But as Tori went for a swing, Mark used a scissor feint, quickly tricking her into going the opposite direction as he sped past her. Strider made note of how the girls were positioned: the Triptons were all forwards, Hanaka was trying to figure out where to go, Yuki and her friends were midfielders, Urwa, Janill, and Shamlya were in the back, and Chiko was goalkeeper.

Per Strider's guess, Eliza and Krystal were too far on the sides to catch Mark, as he tried to get past an energetic Yuki, who chased after him as she got past him, forcing him into a corner with Natsumi and Yaoi nearby as she tried to steal the ball. Although Strider could hear Ron calling out to Mark, Mark casually ignored him as he jumped, lifting the ball before kicking it over their heads and passing it to Ken, who seemed spaced out.

"Huh? You want me to do it?"

Strider facepalmed and had to explain to Kevin why. "He doesn't know how to play, does he?"

"You think so?" Ken confirmed it as he was about to grab it with his hands until Kevin yelled at him three simple instruments: use everything but hands, work with them, and get the ball in the net.

"That's it," Ken asked, assuming. "Alright." As Yaoi tried to take advantage and steal the ball, Ken kicked the ball upwards and forced Yaoi to duck as he struck with lightning fast strength, getting past all the defenders before they could even react, when Chiko jumped up, deflecting it fast enough to hit the top rebar of the net before she caught it, making Ken blink.

"Nice job," Yuki cheered, as Chiko passed it to her, trying to get it up to the girls up front, though Eliza and Tori yelling at her to past the ball blindsided her as Mark took the chance to score, shooting a shot past Shamlya, but in spite of Ron's protests, Shamlya managed to veer it off course for Chiko to kick it away. Mark tried again, but finally letting Ron's voice get through his ears distracted him as his next shot veered off course, about to fall out of bounds.

Then, legs like lightning sworn in for the save as Ron kicked it back with his heel, pivoting back around with a shot that curved above Chiko's head, unable to reach it, when suddenly, Natsumi headed the ball from behind her friend and teammate.

"Sorry, ikemen, but I'm in a job with a lot of competition, and I hate to lose."

Ron wondered what she meant by that as the ball flew over to Yaoi. Mark tried to make up for his mistake only for the sneaky girl to kick it above, falling towards Urwa and Ken, the latter of whom jumped in the air, trying to replicate what Natsumi did, but missed.

Ken struck the ball hard enough to bounce up to his head, but when he was about to kick it again, Urwa narrowly headbutted it away and quickly struck her hands out to signal to Ken she was clear.

"What the? You can use your head too? How" She giggled much to his minor annoyance.

"Think of it like street fighting, except you're trying to get the ball from one side to the other, no hands, and you can't hit or hurt anyone else or it's a foul."

"Thanks. I think. Wait, why help out the enemy?"

"We're not enemies, we're rivals," chipper. She ran off. "Do your best, but we're gonna win."

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