Chapter 47: How to Escape Detention

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For lunch, the remaining half of the soccer team went to Coach Guy for help, who wasn't too pleased with the situation.

"Why did you two even start that fight in the first place?! Mark, you're their captain, I expect much better for you."

Tori barked at him for the semantics but Coach countered her behavior.

"Is that how you plan to resolve all your conflicts outside the battlefield, soldier?"

Tori scoffed. "He started it!"

"That doesn't matter! Squash the beef before it gets rotten and poison's the whole team! Dammit kids, we can't get DQ'd before our first match! Alright Skelly, try and figure this out."

Mark asked if he could talk to the Assistant but Guy confirmed that Madeus wasn't an easy nut to crack. Even if he could say something as a counter argument, she'd have a rebuttal. Unless they could change the date, there was nothing they could do beyond getting another member on the team.

Zhichao, Durby, and Ron decided to go around asking people if they wanted to join but Tori and Ron were contemplating what to do.

Tori wasn't sure. "I don't get the whole pocket dimension thing." Then she put her palm on her head to think. "Wait, you open the book and then you get sucked inside the pocket dimension, right?"

"Well yeah."

"But how do they record the names?"

They went to Mr. Kazeshiro for help.

"If we choose, we can add your names into the database to determine the time. Then the book opens a portal to the dimension and you'll be able to exit when you're done. If we do it in the moment, it gets added in the system, but we can decide whether or not you want to leave or not."

"So the teachers program how much time we serve?" Kazeshiro confirmed and the couple left, thanking him.

"So, what now?"

"Maybe we can break into the office and change the system?"

"And then jump in and do it before Madeus can notice! But how, neither of us are good at hacking."

Tori's juices flowed into her head. "I know exactly who can help."

"No!" Eliza's response to Tori was clear after the sibling asked for her.

"Come on, I don't know any other programmers. Can't you help me out for once?"

"You caused this mess, and you," tilting her head to Mark, "enabled that behavior and still failed."

"But you were able to create a program that did Krystal's ap-"

"For the sake of our benefit. I, we can't run that risk. You know the reason why."

Tori shut up. She had a point. Eliza asked them to stop wasting her time.

"If you can't stand on your own, you're no better than Krystal. When we want something, we go for it, no matter what. Don't wash yourself out."

Tori wanted to chew her out, but she had to agree. Ron questioned what should they do now, and Tori decided they need to find another programmer.

"There's about seventy-five other kids at this school! There has to be someone who's good at programming," bursting out with both her screams and a fast stretched out both of her hands that she felt collide into someone's face.

When the two turned around, they noticed the chubby kid they hit on the floor, confused. Tori and Janill were the shortest people in the school, and neither Tori or Ron knew him.

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