Chapter 62: A Fun Break From it All

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"What bet?"

Krystal let it out. "She made a bet that whoever had the highest performance in high school out of the three of us would be the only one to inherit the family business. The other two would have to figure things out on our own."

Strider thought that was way too extreme of a decision to make. "Your parents know about that?"

She confirmed it wasn't. Eliza did it only when she saw that she was barely passing middle school.

Ivo halted the conversation. "Then what does this have to do with the virus and bot?"

"Well," Tori explained. "I wasn't fond of middle school either, so I suggested we enter the manual restrictions, but um...I said Krystal was the one who came up with the idea."

Krystal grew upset with Tori right there and then. "I never said I wanted it."

Eliza scoffed. "Your performance said it for you. So I decided to give you a handicap, spent months programming it with restrictions and the needs to help you, and because you relied on me, now it's my fault all this happened when you changed your mind?"

"I never asked for your help because you never helped me since we were six! I don't want to trust you or rely on someone else ever again! If I win the bet, then you two will finally understand what you two have put me through all this time." Krystal was downright seething and Kevin asked her to calm down. Her heart rate was rising.

Strider tried to change the subject. "Did you and Kevin finish programming the changes?"

She calmed down for a bit. "Yeah, beat it just before I can to help you."

"And I set up new security measures to ensure something like this doesn't happen again."

Yuki clapped. "So everything's good now?"

Ivo rubbed his eyes. "School is for now. The morale here is another story."

Strider had to agree. Those three couldn't see eye to eye, and Kevin seemed to struggle on how to handle the situation. But Xenosis was still out there. A thought crossed his mind, something he told Eliza earlier, and it made the most amount of sense.

"For now, and as much as it'll make my life easier here, I don't think expelling Eliza is the best solution."

"What? She almost hurt you!"

"Don't get me wrong. I want her gone," earning a scorn from Eliza. "But Ron pointed this out. A certain someone has been targeting Kevin, Tori, and Eliza. If you," gazing his eyes at Eliza, "left and moved to another school, you don't have any support there. Easy picking."

"Don't act like I can't handle myself."

Kevin understood what he meant. "You can, but you and I know both know we can't take that risk. It's not perfect, but keeping all of us together is the safest bet. But please, can the three of you work things out? When I babysat you, the three of you were inseparable."

Ivo nodded. "You don't have to like each other to cooperate together."

Yuki agreed. "Sometimes it takes a Sentai until halfway through the series to start trusting each other. Natsumi and I do not agree all the time but I still love her. Don't you?"

Neither of the Triptons answered the question.

Ivo ultimately came to a decision. "Then Elizabeth, you will not be expelled."

"Thank you for coming to a wise decision," curtsying while still sitting.

"But that doesn't mean you're getting away scot-free either. The three of you need to resolve this issue, or your parents will find out about this."

High School RevolutionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora