Chapter 72: Battle Royale! Clash for the Study Spaces!

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Friday, September 17th, was a day almost everyone in the school would not forget, as two familiar bodies entered the school with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

The first etched their arrival with poses and attitudes of grandeur. "Two roles, tres magnifique, lost in relevancy by the script, overshadowed by the focal forces at play that elude our grasp and knowledge."

They took their partner in crime's hand, and laughed with the boastful enthusiasm that rivaled the energy of something written by Hirohiko Araki and performed by Tetsuya Iwangaga.

"Now it is time for us to ascend from the background, and carve our relevancy in the story with a marvelous re-introduction, and ascend to the role central protagonists this storyline has foretold we play! Twists and turns, we will be the ones who will decide this story's climax, hahahahaa!"

Their duet partner groaned. "It's high school, it's not that deep."

"Yes it is. Remember the plan?"

"Yeah, yeah, just gotta deal with a detour before the quote unquote, festivities, begin. I can't believe you made me dress up like this."

"Shush, you're as marvelous as your looks."

"And aren't we all main characters of our own story?"

"Exactly," snapping their fingers. "So let's upstage the ones foolish enough to steal our roles. Will you join me in this glorious role, the Watson to my Sherlock?! The Chelsea to my Raven?! The foil to my aluminum!? The-"

"Okay I get it," losing their composure, and blowing off. "And aluminum foil is foil."

"Right," aware they got a bit carried away. "Shall we begin?"

Strider was watching the same person randomly posing outside and contacted Kevin, who had begun getting ready for the faculty meeting. Kevin scanned for their identity and claimed everything was fine. The two cousins had an earlier debate about what to do in case there was chaos.

And much to Strider's dismay, Kevin couldn't intervene. This was big and the D.O.E. would be involved.

"My gut feeling is telling me I'm going to need your help."

"You don't need me all the time. You've gotten yourself out of jams before."

Kevin had left by then, and two periods had passed until one by one, all the teachers had left, leaving Free Periods for everyone. A few minutes before 9:30 am, an announcement buzzed throughout every single room. The Factory Reset would be taking effect, and all electronics barring lights would be shut down in one hour.

Strider's nerves cracked as all the freshmen began conversing. All of them barring Ken were there and soon, it was clear none of them were in agreement about which rooms they needed to secure.

"We need the room for this floor. Ingrid keeps giving us all these surprise exams. And she never lets us open our bags or study beforehand. We can study there, get a look out, and then get prepared for that. Ugh, she's the worst."

"But we can use the Anime and Art Club. It's right in the middle of the school on the third floor. We'd only have to go halfway up or down to study and hold study sessions. We also have snacks and a bathroom."

"Um, have you seen how slow the people at this school move? I've seen fifty-olds run up Broadway Junction faster than them! How do we only have eighty students and yet the hallways are still crowded!? We need the fifth floor."

"I refuse to give up the Martial Arts Club room without a fight."

"Well you can't fight sixty people on your own. I say either rooms on the fourth or fifth floors. They're closer to our lockers anyways."

High School RevolutionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon