Chapter 74: Frail Alliance

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Eliza and Tori attempted to continue apprehending their attacker, who was practically breakdancing. Eliza stopped holding back and yet they barely eluded her grasp, while Tori's use of the divider was not only draining but was being pulled away from her to use effectively at short range.

Tori tried one last gamble and chucked the divider at them. They stopped it and Tori at the same time, only for Eliza to rush through in a blaze of glory, lighting up her fist with the spray and punching them away. She clapped her fist before it could spread while their invisible persona blew out the one growing.

"Whoa, chill, you could kill someone."

"That's rich coming from the person responsible for kidnapping us."

Tori wiped off the pain and deactivated Leviathan. "Wait, are you sure it's them?"

"I was attacked by someone I couldn't see. And enemies of Kevin and my family are meant to be extinguished."

"Whoa hold on, kidnapping? Okay I've done some questionable stuff before I've never done that. You guys were kidnapped?"

Tori raised her finger. "Attempted," pointing the thumb to Eliza. "She was, during the Club Festival."

Eliza went to defend her accusation. "You expect me to believe you?"

"Yeah," the person nodded, wiping away the flames. "I was just trying to get my club a big room. Who was out here doing that?"

Tori knew that voice was familiar. "First of all, who are you?"

"Well, I was saving this for the surprise, but," about to take it off, "if that's going on, might as well."

Tori and Eliza were eager to see who it was when both of them received sudden chops to the neck and dropped them to the floor.

"Don't bother. They'll find out what's going on." The siblings looked up to see a second person joining the fray.

"Hey. Where did you go? And you didn't have to be brutal. Remember we go to school with these people at the end of the day."

"Sorry. Um, let's go indigestion."

"Gross, been there. But when we're done, we gotta go to the principal. Someone kidnapped them."

Tori recalled seeing two people in armor. "So you two, ouch that hurts-you didn't fight me in the pool?"

"No way! Look when this study space war is over, we'll come back to figure this out."

"They're rich, they'll be fine."

"That's no reason to hurt someone. Granted she almost burned down the third floor but still."

"Either way, let's hurry about. There's just half an hour left until the Factory Reset ends."

"Right, see ya!"

The two of them left with the sisters just as confused. Tori and Eliza tried getting up when another shadow loomed over them. Tori turned back in time, spotting Chrysa.


Chrysa picked up Tori and Eliza and dragged them away. They weren't seen for the rest of the day.

At the same time, Urwa, Kimberly, Janill, and Shamlya did their best to drive away everyone else trying to enter the club, including some disgruntled customers upset with the content in their catalogue.

"We print retractions for people who don't try to fight us when teachers aren't around," Kimberly snarked.

Then Dougie showed up, with marks on his neck and wasn't in a good mood.

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