Chapter 43: Revolution's Consequences

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Sometime later, Strider entered Homeroom, where Yuki and her group were studying on one corner, but Ms. Ingrid looked concerned with the other.

"Mr. Xanthos, Strider. Nice to see you temporarily cease your daily extravagant last second arrivals to class."

"What about Friday, he joked," earning him a scowl. "Sorry. Is something wrong?"

"It's Kevin. He was supposed to be here for class, but he wasn't at the teacher's lounge or anything."

All of the class suddenly had their eyes on the front of the classroom where he was standing.

"He's in the infirmary, well a nurse's office."

Eliza suddenly got up out of her seat and before he could blink, she was right in front of him.

"What happened?!"

"Get your boobs away from my face!"

"Get your face away from my boobs!"

"Oh, um, sorry," stepping back, only to almost trip and fall on the table. He got up and Eliza's glare was still on him.


"He accidentally inhaled some, well, toxic fumes to put it lightly."

"Fumes?!" She looked like she was about to erupt.

Then the other classmates began talking about it, with some of them bringing up the possibility. Shamlya left to go to the bathroom, Krystal was asking if he was in need of medical attention, and others like Zhichao were considering the chance of poisoning. Strider was trying to assure them none of them were happening, but got stressed out from the fact no one was listening in to him. His dragon spirit emerged from his body and he let out a yell.

"Everyone shut up! Nurse Smith said he'll be okay in like an hour! Can all of you chill and not spread rumors like a pandemic and just chill the hell down for one minute!?"

He was huffing and puffing back and forth to the point Raven was asking if he was okay.

"Look, today's been pretty stressful and we haven't reached the first period. He'll be okay, he'll probably be fine by next period," holding his hand to his beating chest.

Ms. Ingrid just tried to advise everyone to take a seat and relax. Strider headed to his, but as he plumped down, Eliza was directly next to his ear.

"Kevin is much more important than you'll ever be. No one cares if you die. So listen to me, right here, right now. If something happens, remember his life matters more than yours. The only reason you're here is because of him."

Strider didn't want to hear it from her, nor did he want to start a one sided fight in class, even if she had a point. But he had grown tired of people constantly disrespecting him.

"I don't know about your relationship with my cousin. But I'll do everything to keep him safe. Besides, if you were stupid enough that you couldn't watch your own back, then he's not the one you should be worried about."

"The only reason you found me was the trail I left behind."

"The only reason we had to find you was because you couldn't watch your back. Maybe instead of treating your sister like a pet, you could actually figure out who attacked you the other day."

"What were you and Kevin doing then?"

"I don't wanna say, too many people listening."

"You don't trust the person who wants to find and exterminate the arrogant fool that dared to attack me?"

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