Chapter 66: Strider and Krystal's School Synergy

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A metal pole flew through the air and hit Tempest back, knocking into the ceiling and rebound onto the floor next to Krystal. She got back as the senior turned back to shoot her down and this time, managed to deflect better, striking one ball into the barrel and jamming the gun. Tempest struggles to get it fixed, randomly slamming it around, eventually rushing at her. She ducked and dodged several swings, but his attempts to hit her resulted in the game fixing itself when trying to crush her with both hands. A mighty upward swing with the pole saved her as she held her ground, but in the prime position for him to strike her at point blank range.

Then a crack of gas flew right at Tempest, giving Krystal time to roll away from the weight of the gun that smashed into the school floor. The scent smelled too familiar, but she could see the senior's body in the gad. Yet, Tempest wasn't shooting at her despite being so close, and another flew out towards the air.

"Black Devil: Maximus Mash!" The silhouette rammed into Tempest's body with their rear and tripped them onto the lockers. Strider jumped out of the gas, took Krystal's hand and the two continued running. The latter figured out what was going on.

"Right, you're lactose intolerant!"

"It's a curse since I eat so much dairy, but it has its benefits. You alright?"

"Yeah," a little somber. "I almost thought you left me on my own."

It was one of the few times he was aware of how insensitive he could be and immediately turned back around to do so.

"Sorry. I've never been that great at group work and the idea kinda came to me at the last minute, so I wanted to do a bit of divide and counter," tightening his grip. "But I won't abandon the people I care about, and that includes you."

She looked up and saw both his Stress Spirits giving her a thumbs up while he was gauging to find a room for cover and swerved around the hall for cover. For now that was all she needed to know that he was telling the truth.

Tempest finally walked out of the smoke and they had reached the end of the hall. They had two choices, run upstairs and get help with the risk of getting more students hurt or try to finish him off, but needed time to think of a solid plan. The only door that seemed open and available was the boy's bathroom, and from the look of his eyes, Krystal could tell he didn't want to go in, but agreed it'd be a good cover for now.

They pronged open the door to find Clyde and Dennis vaping in the messy and disgusting bathroom, who weren't too pleased to see him, and asked why they brought a girl in here.

"Vaping?" Strider chuckled. "Well you two are gonna have an early funeral."

"What did you say to me punk?"

Krystal elbowed him to get back on track. "Okay that was a bit too harsh. Someone gave Tempest another one of those armors you guys used on us in the first week, and he's going insane and trying to kill us."

Clyde and Dennis didn't believe him. Krystal opened the door and showed them the proof as several balls flew in and broke the paper towel dispensers off the wall. The two briefly joked about stealing it as some sort of weird thing they called a devious lick. But more balls that almost hit them in the face gave them enough proof for her to close it. Strider asked them to fight together so they could free him, but they noted he looked possessed like a demon and just wanted to leave.

Krystal wondered if they could try to break through to him and asked if he was going through anything.

"Well I know his folks are struggling with rent," Clyde answered.

"And his mom's dating some wacko who hits him," Dennis pointed out.

Strider thought of a good way to use that to their advantage while Krystal asked if he had any smoke bombs. A few seconds later, the two had a plan to get them all out of this mess.

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