Chapter 6: Freshmen Fail or Freshmen Fight? Final Call

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When he came to, he found himself on the same large pile of pillows, being dragged and asked about his safety. It was Kevin and as he readjusted his glasses on his face and put Mika's puppet in his bag, he spotted all of his other classmates almost worse for wear. The only ones not physically affected were Eliza, Urwa, Janill, and Shamlya who was looking around, about to take pictures on her phone until Kevin snatched it from her, threatening to break it. Everyone else, especially Ken and Tori looked worse for wear. Hanaka and Krystal were just heartbroken.

"I can't believe we got jumped like that. And what the heck was with that armor and that gas those guys were using?"

Strider looked around, and though the base was still well lit, the room was more cold than mysterious even with the lighting changed from blue and black to white. It almost looked like a training facility or a military gymnasium this time around. Then Kevin whispered in his ears.

"I can't let them know about the operating room, especially how to access it."

He whispered back. "Okay."

"By the way, you touched the control panels?"

"I'm sorry, I thought if your tech controlled where, there's a chance we could've got to them in time. I," before Kevin's hand got him to quietly shush.

"You locked onto their locations, so when I got here I got them all here safely," rubbing his head. "You did good."

He held up Mika's puppet, thankfully not too damaged. "I hope. So what now?"

"I need to get you guys out of here. I'll handle it."

Strider thought that was the best decision until he looked around Kevin's body and saw a scar on his face. "You're not seriously going to fight all of them?"

"I don't have a choice."

"That's insane, that's one vs forty. You can't take on all those odds on your own."

"I'll have to try. I can't get in touch with any of the other teachers. And I have to hurry."

Before Strider could ask why, the monitors came back on. All the staff barring the chefs, nurse, and assistant principal were locked in tubes, most of whom were yelling to let them be freed. He could hear Ms. Yvonne's voice.

"Let us out. You're putting people's lives at risk."

"That's rich coming from an eco-terrorist," Omega's voice was on the announcer.

"It wasn't...ugh, fair enough."

Kevin sucked his teeth.

"They got access to all their teachers access codes." Strider asked if that's how Omega and Akira were able to use the panels, to which Kevin nodded. "They must've ambushed them one by one and stole them except mine. This was planned."

"Can they reach here?"

"No, only someone with my DNA can enter this location as long as I allow it."

"Overseer, Cove we know, you're watching." The announcer's voice to Akira. "We don't know what you did to the foddermen, but regardless of what you do, you know you can't stop us. Either way, your dream falls, and this is the most painless solution."

Kevin ran to his supercomputer and activated something before speaking through a microphone.

"You call yourself upperclassmen and this is how you treat your fellow peers and the faculty, all for what, the sake of your future careers? Do you lack the spine to achieve it via your own efforts?"

"You can play the moral high ground all you want, but this school was your design. You built it, now you pay the price," Akira responded. You have until 11 tomorrow regardless. Stop hiding like a pussy and come out now so we can settle this. You might be able to put up a better fight than your cousin." Strider growled. "But if you have the guts to take on all of us, good luck," laughing obnoxiously before the mic cut out.

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