Chapter 34: Cutting Clubs to Claim the Conceited Classmate

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Strider immediately called up Kevin, while asking Ken to explain what happened.

"Come on, he's supposed to be overseeing the school, he hasn't seen this by now?"

Kevin eventually answered the phone, and Ken and Strider cut to the chase.

"Elizabeth?! Give me the details later! I'll contact the principal, her sisters, and their caretaker, you two do what you can, and I'll join you on the way."

Ken rejected the notion of Strider joining. "This isn't schoolyard antics, I can't guarantee his safety!"

"The more people we have on this, the better," he countered, asking Kevin to send him up the Junk Cannons, ink bombs, and Cheese Clutchers. A panel opened up, and what he asked for came up.

"Both of you do your best."

"Wait, come with us! Why the heck do you keep disappearing anyways?"

Strider tried to come up with a justification. "If all of us are focused on this, we won't be around if something happens inside the school. Kevin, let Krystal and Tori know."

"And I'll do a security check. Ken, on the way, please, let me know what happened from start to finish."

"Fine," trying to pick up all the supplies Kevin gave them, annoyed Strider was trying to pick them up. "Dude, you can't bring all the crap with you."

Strider would've agreed, until he remembered the scroll, and started picking out skin off the acne and squeezed out a tiny bit of blood, and set his bookbag, both the Jank Cannons, and ink bombs, while putting the Cheese Clutchers in his pocket and handing him the other, much to to his surprise, and put the scroll away in his pockets.

"What are you waiting for, lead the way!"

Ken sucked his teeth and the two of them ran off.

"So what the heck happened," as the two raced down the elevator. "Did some randos kidnap her while you got distracted by some girl?"

As they jumped down to the first floor, Ken decided to start explaining himself.


Ten minutes before, Ken had followed Eliza from a distance, who seemed pissed, not even going around to sign up for anything and he yawned.

"Your sister joined a club, why are you so pissy about it?"

"I thought she could stand on her own, when in the end, she's going to screw up and cry about it. We are of a prestigious background, and we can't afford any slip ups for our future."

"Yeahhh, um, look I could care less about that, but you're the oldest one, right? Why not just let her do what she wants? Tori does. You're acting kinda controlling?"

"Tori's proven at the very least, somewhat effective at her skill set despite her inferiority. And what do you care, bodyguard?"

"Nothing," nonchalantly responding. "I just thought older siblings protected their younger ones. At least," holding his forehead from a mental shock, "that's what it feels like they should do."

"We exist to surpass the next generation. And we can't afford to hold hands for those that can't keep up, only keep them in line so they don't become the token mouthpieces for those arrogant fools that look down on us."

Ken got what she was saying, though he was just tired of Eliza's arrogant nature as she continued to wail down how much better she was than Krystal, and wanted to do something, literally, anything else at that point. Even the girls that randomly tackled him before were at the very least more interesting. He just decided to spitball since at this point she wasn't even looking at any other clubs.

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