Chapter 80: Race to The Top of the School

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Sebastian had enough energy to park the car in front of the gates to the school and the parking lot, but the two of them knew that he was too tired to function, and helped him out of the car, calling Kevin, who opened up a tube in front of the school. They landed in the overseer base as Sebastian fell asleep. Kevin rested him on the couch.

Strider wanted to know how all of this even happened, and even more confused, why Ken was in there now with them, giving them a casual "yo," sign.

Kevin and Ken gave them all the details, and showed off a rebuilt Varsity Armor, complete with invisibility, a bunch of ketchup packs that Ken opened up to eat, a new suit Krystal was enamored with, and tossed Ken the stun baton. They spent the whole afternoon and night finishing this up and fell asleep, waking up to a recording of Chrysa using the principal's mic several times demanding similar terms she texted to Krystal.

"Did you figure out who Chrysa was?"

Ken shook his head while inspecting Krystal. "You adopted?"

"No! Though sometimes it feels that way."

Kevin answered. "There's a possibility it could be Mika based on the evidence we found."

He was completely taken aback like this. Krystal was equally as confused. They hadn't spoken since they first met during the Uprising. Outside of the freshmen, she only talked to Ebony thanks to cheerleading, Shane, some of the guys in the Gaming Club that didn't give her weird looks, and Percival, which she let them know.

Ken was intrigued. "That Percival girl is close with Mika right? She saw me deliver pizza the other day."

Krystal lit up. "Really, where?"

"Some hotel nearby here or something. It's nothing, just owed someone a favor." He nudged her on the head. "Don't worry. We'll help you save your sisters."

Krystal kept that conversation in her mind. Strider looked up on the monitors and asked why everything in the hallways but the gym was so dark on Kevin's computers.

"All of the rooms and hallways are being drained of energy. The only ones that haven't are the Newspaper Club and Anime and Art Club room that's secured by Urwa and Yuki. We can't access any panels outside of those two and the secret entrances we have outside of the school."

Krystal was happy. "Then we have a chance to speed it up," eagerly thanking the two.

Strider slowly wondered if Mika was responsible. "That's why the sophomores went after all the rooms?" Kevin and Ken assumed that it was possible. But it was now 8:45 A.M. They only had three-fourths of an hour to get up there, fast.

"Do we have a plan?" Kevin showed them the monitors that were available. They could get through the panel on the second and third floor and go back and forth between there and base, but that was it.

To make matters worse, on the staircase, they spotted three guys in Varsity Armors. And in the hallway, a sight made Strider and Krystal double take. Almost every single floor had all her fellow cheerleaders on every floor, each of them with purple eyes and moving robotically with collars that had the controller chips.

"Ebony too? She brainwashed the whole team?"

Strider sucked his teeth. "Great, now we have to fight the strongest sports team in school!"

"Isn't that the football team?"

"No, that's the team with the hardest nipples." Krystal laughed while Kevin just waved his palm asking how he came to that conclusion. "Either way, we gotta deal with three Mighty Glaciers."

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