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HARLOW NEVER KNEW HOW SHE GOT IN THESE SITUATIONS. one minute she would be fine, the next she would be almost dying. sabrina used to joke that harlow just got in danger for fun, to make people freak out... selfish honestly. harlow never did that, she never intended to make her love ones almost have a heart attack if she was in danger. 

but now, rachel was gone, harlow was locked up in a fucking cellar alone and with a knife. she didn't remember how she got there, or where rachel went. she couldn't remember where dick went with ellie, nothing. she laid in the bed staring at the ceiling, did dick leave again? was he okay? was rachel with him? 

the nuns placed a knife right next to harlow, which was tempting. she could just slit her throat, die a slow and long death. maybe it was for the best, thats what she did to everyone else that she killed. made them have a slow and long death, being burned alive, concrete falling on them so they would slowly bleed out. all the fun stuff.

harlow sat up, her eyes on the window that could fit a fucking baby. she heard screams of someone in the distance, but barely. harlow didn't even try to break out, what was the point. the brunette grabbed the knife, she had a plan. it may kill her, but it was definitely a plan. 

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WHY DID PEOPLE HAVE TO TAKE THINGS? why did people have to steal. these were questions that went through dick graysons head as he found kory in a storage unit. "hey!" he exclaimed walking in korys view.  "you stole my car! i like my car." 

kory walked up to ellie who was fascinated at the photos and dedication, this was stalker type shit. ellie hasn't seen someone so... obsessed with someone in years. the photos, the newspaper articles, the book pages.  "how did you find me?" kory asked the two as ellie blinked at the photos of rachel. this wasn't good at all.

"theres an app for that." dick responded putting his phone up. kory looked at them like they were crazy, which made ellie hold back a snort. there's apps for everything, she wanted to say to kory but said nothing. it wasn't the time.  "this place yours?"

"think so." kory responded as ellie looked at the shrine. she ran her fingers on it, all of a sudden her vision went black. ellie woke up in a black room, a man and a woman sitting in the corner of the room. she walked up to them slowly, it felt like forever. her feet barely moved, her legs barely worked. the man turned around and his eyes were red, making ellie step back. he slowly turned into a horned figure, a monster. ellie turned around to the woman smiling at her, she could only see the smile, not the face.

ellie screamed, placing her hands over her eyes as she felt the man reach in her back. he was mocking her, making ellie scream again. that flung the woman back into a portal, a black, mysterious portal... 

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