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EVERYTHING WAS FAKE iN THE WORLD.  the people, the houses, the happiness. no one was truly happy in the world, they weren't always smiling and acting like the world was full of happiness. families lied out in public, faking smiles, acting like they weren't just fighting minutes before. children weren't happy, they were ending their lives right after they swore they told their best friend they were fine. the world was fake, everyone needed help and everything needed to be fixed.

yet in this world, everything was perfect in richard graysons eyes. yes, there was still superheroes and people dying every once in a while because of dumb villains. dick had everything he ever wanted, he let go of his superhero days, his personality crisis and got himself a wife and a daughter. 

dick got what he always wanted, a family. one that truly loved you, one that would always be there for each other. his wife stayed by his side through everything, they settled down to have a daughter (who was a meta-human: dick would deal with that when she was older). 

as he sat in his living room, watching his wife sit on the ground holding a teddy bear. she was laughing, her smile was wider than anything dick has ever seen. for once in harlow grayson's life, she had what she always wanted, a daughter, a husband, and finally forgetting about her past. 

harlow hugged her daughter, kissing her forehead before tickling the 3 year old. the small child laughed, which sounded exactly like harlow's laugh. amelia mary grayson was a miracle to harlow and dick. doctors told harlow she couldn't have kids because of her abilities, amelia was the miracle. yes the child had abilities like harlow's, but harlow didnt care. she would make sure amelia knew how to use them when she was older.

"can we get mac in cheese?" amelia asked, sitting on the floor in front of harlow with puppy dog eyes. the child watched as her mother sighed, looking at dick with a glare. amelia had mac in cheese about three times this week. "please mommy!"

harlow looked back at her child with a smile, "as long as you behave." harlow replied, standing up to pick up her daughter. amelia smiled with excitement, sticking her head in her moms hair giggling. "i'll be right back." harlow took her husband, kissing him on the cheek. dick smiled at harlow as she walked into the kitchen, he shook his head how did he get so lucky.

minutes passed, the doorbell rang making harlow stand up from the chair she was sitting in. the brunette looked at amelia, who was coloring with dick on the dining room table (her mac in cheese sitting right next to her). harlow opened the front door to bea standing there, jason in a wheelchair behind her. 

"bea?" harlow breathed out, not seeing her in 5 years. the now brunette smiled before hugging her mentor, "wh... what are you doing here?" harlow smiled at bea, then looked at jason, "what the fuck happened to you?"

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