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"I DON'T SEE HOW JERICHO SEEING HIS DAD IS A GOOD IDEA." dick stated as the couple stood in the training room again. Jericho wanted to see his dad, which was a terrible idea. he talked to dawn, who told harlow, who told dick.

"thats why he talked to dawn, who told him that me and you would talk about it." harlow replied as she crossed her arms, "Jericho needs your approval for this, dick. he won't talk to his dad without it."

"he didn't need to tell us at all, he could've just left." dick snapped back which made harlow roll her eyes. right dick, like he's gonna leave them, harlow thought. then she realized, why did dick even want jericho here? its not like he would be usual to the team, he was younger and less mature than the rest of them. 

"sure, but he didn't want to lie to you. cards up right?" harlow replied with a small hint of anger in her tone. "it took Jericho for someone to finally be honest around here."

"you know, maybe it doesn't matter what we tell Jericho." dick argued which made harlow glare at him.

"so we use him again?" she snapped back, "what's happening to you?"

dick stood up angrily. harlow titled her head, which was shaking. "you told me, 'be batman.' remember?" he started to walk out, harlow looked at the wall.

"well I was wrong," she turned around to look straight at dick, "this version of you-"

"what? you don't like it?" dick snapped back as harlow stepped forward. he crossed his arms as he looked at his girlfriend with anger written all over her face.

"am I supposed to?" she asked, "cause this version of you is absolutely terrible. its like bruce! I fucking regret a lot of things in my life, saying be batman was one of them. cause guess what now you are living up to your name." she watched his face fall as she shoved past him, Olivia walked by as harlow walked past her angrily. "fuck you grayson." harlow stopped as Olivia quickly turned around, harlow looked at dick one last time before scoffing and walking away.

harlow walked to her room, she shut the door as her phone beeped. it was Leo, he wanted to meet up with harlow. it was odd, Leo just left a few days ago. harlow quickly tried to call him, he didn't answer. was he in trouble? harlow bit her lip as she reopened her door, hank walked by but she just shoved past him. she quickly grabbed the knife that was under the table since she didn't know if dick was still in the training room. "were you off too?" hank asked as harlow looked back at him.

she didn't answer. harlow quickly ran out into the living room to see Olivia getting food. "harlow?" Olivia asked as harlow got in the elevator. "wait were are you-" the doors shut. "fuck." Olivia quickly found dick, he was in the training room. "your girlfriend just literally walked out with a knife in her hand."

"good for her." dick replied, he didn't look at Olivia who scoffed, "what? your gonna give me a speech? I don't need one."

"well maybe you do!" Olivia quickly said, "you really are a dick."

"thank you Olivia, harlow already told me." dick snapped but Olivia already walked out. "liv, wait-" she disappeared which made dick punch the wall angrily. 

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"LEO? WHAT THE HELL?" harlow asked quickly as she walked in the warehouse. yep, this was not Leo. but was harlow still doing it? yes. Deathstroke stood above Leos unconscious body, well hopefully. "of course. what you're gonna kill me now?" Deathstroke pulled out a sword as harlow grabbed hers.

she lifted her hand, but there was dampeners. of course, my powers are useless. she thought. Deathstroke swung at harlow, who dodged it. she spun around kicking him back, but Deathstroke kicked out her leg. harlow fell on the ground, she held up her sword to block his I'm coming attack. harlow slid in-between his legs, then somersaulted away from him. she popped up, moving her head back just in time from a sword. then he kicked out her feet again, but harlow stayed up to a punch in the gut. she went to swing but his sword sliced harlows stomach, she fell forward. harlow turned around and swung, her could feel her eyes feeling heavy.

she lifted her arm to stop his arm that had a knife in it, he used his other hand to hit harlows wound. she cried out in pain, but still held up her hands to block the knife, but Deathstroke pulled her forward. he grabbed her arm, and broke it easily, harlow cried out in pain again as she pushed her on the ground. she smacked her head, which made her vision start to have black dotes. she started to crawl away but a knife went up to her neck, then a gun, "listen closely," he threatened as harlow felt her life slipping away. her eyes felt heavy, she couldn't feel anything.

the one thing that went through her mind, dick. they ended with a fight, dick would feel terrible. "I'm only gonna say this once." Deathstroke continued as harlows head fell forward, he lifted it back up, "stay away from my son." he dropped harlow who started to cough up blood, she laid on her back, she reached for her bracelet which was gone. harlow left her bracelet at home, there was meta dampeners. she was really gonna die.

her eyes slowly shut, her head fell to the side as her body went numb.

meanwhile back at the tower, Olivia was a mess. harlow wouldn't pick up her phone, answer any of her texts. it has been 2 hours since harlow left, which was normal but she would pick up Olivias phone calls. dick ran in her room, he was panting, "harlow." he panted which made Olivia sprang up. "Leo called me, she's unconscious and about to..." he paused. Olivia quickly looked at him before the two picked up their pace.

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LEO BANGED ON THE META DAMPENERS AS DICK RAN IN. he was in his suit, everyone was. Leo looked at dick who slid on the ground, "harlow, I'm here." dick whispered . harlow still laid limp, her chest was barely moving.

dick put harlows head in his hand, he used the other to grab her hand. "it was Deathstroke." Leo yelled  as he hit the dampeners again. "come on!" Olivia ran in to help him, they couldn't carry harlow out, it would kill her quicker.

dick looked at harlows body, then back at her. "come on har." he whispered as dawn went on the other side of harlow.

"buildings clear, only a few guards dead." hank said.

harlow started to cough up blood as dawn and dick both tried to move her slowly, "we have to get her out of here." Olivia exclaimed as her and Leo hit the dampeners. "son of a bitch!" dick rubbed harlows cheek, as her eyes slowly opened.

"har dick whispered as her eyelids opened and shut, her body was shutting down. "hey, keep your eyes open." harlow stared at him as she fought to stay alive, she felt her eyes shut, "har, har!" dick yelled as her chest stopped moving.

finally Leo broke the dampeners, dick watched with fear filled eyes. harlow went limp in his arms as Leo sat next to harlow. he placed his hands on her wound, as Olivia paced. Leo shut his eyes, which it felt like hours for dick but it was only a second. finally harlows eyes opened and she shot up, Leo fell back with exhaustion, "go dick. she'll be fine."

dick didn't want to leave. but there he was, he nodded as he looked at harlow was still laid there after passing out again, but she was fine. dick stood up slowly looking at harlow one last time and ran out. he was going to kill death stroke, well maybe.

brynn speaks|

all the things i did, just to call you mineeeee

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