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"OH, CAN I TOUCH IT?" barry asked as Joe pulled out something. barry sat on his desk, harlow sat in the chair in front of the desk looking at her phone. still nothing from dick, which she called him but he didn't answer.

"the official elongated man emblem." Joe stated which made harlow look up, she was sitting in a middle of a place station, were she was wanted. all someone had to do is walk in, call the head chief 'which was joe' and joe would have to arrest her.  "he's gonna scream, he's gonna be so surprised."

"I've been preparing the whole team for life after crisis, but central city also has to be ready." barry pointed out which made harlow frown. there was literally no way that she could lose barry, he was her father, well not technically but still. she loved him like a father, if she lost him, it would break her. "for a world without the flash, and elegonated man should be its sole protector once I'm gone. as far as Ralph knows, he's coming to CCPD for a routine deposition tomorrow,  when its really a press conference to pass the torch."

there was a knock on the door, harlow looked behind her shoulder to see Ralph walking in, "hey guys." he greeted as harlow quickly looked back at Joe, who hid the emblem.  "yo, got your message Joe." the two adults, except harlow, moved quickly to hide the stuff.

"hey Ralph, I talked to an old friend about your Dearborn case. I got your address you were looking for in Midday City. If I were you, I would go check it out after the deposition tomorrow." Joe said handing Ralph papers, sue dearborn. apparently Ralph likes her or something, harlow didn't know about whatever was going on with Ralph. 

"why pull it off tomorrow, when you could do it today. right?" Ralph replied which made harlow chuckle quietly. "thanks." he started to walk out, harlow raised her hand to stop him, which made Ralph turn around looking at her with a glare.

"you'll be back from midday by tomorrow? right?" she asked as she put down her hand looking out to see if anyone saw that.

"it's a routine deposition, Barrys can handle it."

"why don't I tag along!" barry exclaimed which made harlow groan, it would mean she would also have to tag along, but she needed the excitement. "ill speed things up, a little bit."

"you wanna help me with a PI case?" Ralph asked in disbelief as he sent harlow a confused look, she brushed it off by looking at her nails. 

"yeah definitely, it'll be fun." barry replied, "ill follow your lead." harlow stood up, she looked at Joe before saluting him.

"okay." Ralph replied with confusion. "har, you coming?" she looked at the clock, then her phone. the brunette put up her hood, following the two out of the station. thankfully no one said anything because she was standing with barry. 

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"WHAT THE FUCK!" Ellie screamed quickly as the person she thought was dead was standing right in front of her. the person quickly looked at Leo, then ally, then back at Ellie. Ellie knew harlow would flip out if she was here, hell if she knew they were alive. "you're supposed to be dead."

"surprise!?" Olivia exclaimed with a small smile, she did jazz hands holding the papers that she had in her hands. "dick and harlow aren't here? right?"

"what the fuck, you had a funeral! you're supposed to be 6 feet under right now! how is this possible! I cried for 5 days, I never cry for 5 days!" Ellie exclaimed as she ran a hand through her hair, "how long-"

"since she 'died." Leo cut off which made Ellie glare at him. "we found out she didn't die, but since dick left harlow and the two went MIA, Olivia couldn't find them so we gave up. we don't know how's she is alive, but cressy and bruce don't know."

"and you didn't tell dick! he's your cousin!" Ellie exclaimed again, "or me! or fucking harlow! she was having a tough time with everything and you could've been there!"

"I know." Olivia replied with a small smirk. "but faking my death is better." she smiled which made Ellie roll her eyes, a wayne thing. "but you can't tell harlow, or dick. I'm gonna tell them, I just dont know when-"

"not now, dick apparently lied to the team, everyone left. harlow included." Ellie mumbled which made olivia frown. "long story, dont wanna explain right now. but you need to explain everything."


brynn speaks

hi olivia. welcome back.

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