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"HARLOW GET BACK HERE!" Leo yelled as harlow ran out of the medical room. she knew something was wrong, harlow knew it. she lifted her hand seeing hank looking at her, "harlow!" harlow disappeared as Olivia ran out of her room.

harlow found dick, unconscious right next to jerichos dead body. harlow ran up to dick, she placed her hands by his neck checking if he had a pulse. he did, but it was faint. "dick." she exclaimed her voice cracking. "dick wake up. please." Olivia ran in immediately seeing her cousin on the floor.

then she looked at jericho, "holy shit." Olivia mumbled as harlow put her hand on dicks cheek. "fuck." harlow placed her forehead against his, Olivia looked back at donna, hank, and dawn. "is he breathing?"

"barely." harlow replied as she looked at her hand (the other one was in a cast), she gently placed them against his head, they glowed lightly as she shot electricity through him. he shot up, awake and alive. "holy shit." harlow sighed with disbelief. "dick."

Olivia and dawn both helped him as he looked around, his eyes landed on Jerichos body and harlow grabbed his face gently, "hey, look at me okay." she realized he was stabbed also, his eyelids slowly opened and closed as harlow set him back down, "its gonna be okay." dicks eyes shut, passing out from exhaustion and from his wounds.

was it gonna be okay?

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"YOU KNOW, THIS ISN'T GOODBYE RIGHT?" olivia stated as she walked into harlows room. she sat on her bed staring out of the window, she had cuts down her cheek. dark bruises were on her cheeks, her arm was slowly healing. she stayed up all night helping dick, then in less than 3 hours the titans were over. "harlow, we both know we'll see each other someday."

harlow looked over at her friend, tears filled her eyes. "I know." Olivia sat next to her, she pulled in harlows head so she could rest it on Olivias chest. harlow started to cry, about everything, about jericho, about dick, about sabrina, about garth. everything.

"don't cry harley." olivia reassured using the nickname she made up for harlow. . it was probably a wayne thing making weird nicknames for people. there was a knock at the door, "yes?"

Leo opened the door slowly, harlow wiped her tears and looked back at him. "dicks awake." Leo said quietly, dick all night was awake, then passed out, then awake again. he never spoke during the times, since he was only awake for like a minute. "officially."

harlow stood up, she walked to dicks room were he sat looking at his hands, "hey d." she said quietly. he looked up, their tired eyes meeting. he looked at her face, then at her cast, then immediately looked back down. it was because of him that she left, if they didn't fight she would've been with him, he would've went with her.

the two said nothing more, but harlow sat down next to him. their shoulders touched, which made harlow tense up. dick seemed unbothered, his eyes on her hands. "are you okay?" he asked quietly as he looked up to her looking at the wall. she glanced over at him, tears filled her eyes. "Leo told me that everyones done, you can leave me if you want."

harlow didn't answer, she wasn't leaving him. but she had to go, barry needed her. "no, I won't leave you." she replied, "but, I have to help barry. dammit." she stood up quickly, which made dick shake his head tears filling his eyes. "I don't want to leave you!" she ran a hand through her hair, "I cant leave you."

"harlow. leave." dick insisted as harlow looked at him. "you don't have to lie to me." harlow had a tear slip down her bruised cheek, she shook her head. "I know!"

"you know what?" she snapped, "you know that I think that all you do is kill people? because thats not what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that I fucked up! I fuck up everything, you should be the one leaving me-"

"you think I want to do that?!" dick exclaimed standing up. "harlow I don't ever want to leave you! I love you." harlow walked up to him, she wrapped her free arm around him and he pulled her in. he put his chin on the top of her head as she rubbed his back. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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HARLOW LOOKED AT HER FRIENDS AS THEY STARTED TO LEAVE. olivia hugged harlow quickly, the two making it longer than it should've been. "don't miss me to much dumbass." olivia whispered as the two looked at each other, "take care of him, got it?"

harlow nodded as dick said, "so I guess this-" hank cut him off with a glare, dick looked down at the ground as olivia shook her head, "dawn I-"

"don't." dawn cut him off, Leo looked at harlow with a small smile on his face. the two nodded at each other as dawn and hank got in the elevator. donna looked up at dick with a small hint if guilt on her face.

"I'll be in New York, if you ever need a place to crash." she said that dick, harlow didn't care. Olivia saluted harlow silently before walking in the elevator.

"thank you." dick replied as donna nodded, she glanced at harlow and Leo. Leo looked at harlow, he smiled at her as she swallowed.

"if he breaks your heart, call me." Leo whispered which made harlow roll her eyes. "just saying, I'll be at my aunts with Ellie if you ever need me. got it?" harlow nodded slowly as Leo nodded, the two shared a glance and Leo got in the elevator. donna followed, then they were gone.

harlow put a strain of hair behind her ear, dick stared at the elevator. harlow could tell he was thinking it was all his fault, the way everyone hated him. "you think this is your fault." harlow stated, he looked over at her, "I didn't read your mind, I just know." she walked up to him, he wrapped a arm around her shoulders as she leaned her head on him. "its not, its all of our faults."

brynn speaks


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