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AS DICK AND HARLOW BOTH OPENED THE DOORS TO THE SUITS. harlow couldn't help but think this was a mistake, she wished ellie was here so she could tell them if things end badly. but she wasn't. wildflower was also out there in the world, the person harlow can't seem to kill.

"this is who we are." harlow stated simply as she looked at her suit, which was next to dicks. Jericho asked what their name was, well maybe. harlow wasn't good at sign language.

"titans." dick replied as Jericho excitedly looked around, he looked at harlows suit.

"I'm silver. dawn is dove, hank is hawk. donna is wonder girl, olivia is disapperia." harlow explained which made Jericho smile at her, Jericho than looked at dick pointing his finger.

"I'm robin." dick added which made Jericho smile even wider. harlow felt a pain of guilt in her stomach but kept a smile on her face, which was hard for her.

"we'd love for you to join us." harlow finished with her a small voice quiver. Jericho turned around excitedly, "but there's something we need to tell you first." harlow looked at dick, the two making eye contact.

"I haven't exactly been clear with you. when we met at the record store, I went there to try to talk to you." dick explained as harlow started to bite her nails, she then realized and put her hand down. "I lied to you, because I wanted to get information from you." dick paused as Jericho looked at harlow, "your father was never an insurance agent. he's a paid assassin. he kills for a living." that's a nice way to put it, harlow thought. she was an assassin, sometimes. "using the name Deathstroke."

Jericho looked at dick, harlow quickly read his mind on what he was saying. "how do you know my dad kills people?" harlow said like she was translating it.

"he killed a friend of ours a few weeks ago." dick replied which made harlow bite her lip. "your dads a hard man to track down. we hit a wall, so we decided... I decided to approach you to see if you can help us find him. but that was all before we knew you. things are different now."

"its not about your dad now." harlow added on, "we want you to join us." that was a crazy thing coming out of her mouth, she would later on regret it. "but first we wanted you to know who we really are. no more lies." Jericho looked at the two, then turned around to look at Garths suit. harlow and dick both looked at each other, the two sharing the same expressions. Jericho looked at them, "he wants to know if he's our friend who his dad killed." harlow said as she read his mind.

dick stepped forward, he looked at his fallen friends suit. "yes. aqualad." Jericho looked at dick, he signed something and dick looked at harlow.

"he wants to know the truth about his dad." her voice shook a little as she looked at dick. "everything." dick looked at his girlfriend, then Jericho. he nodded slowly, harlow looked at her feet. fuck.

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JERICHO LEFT AT DICK TOLD HIM EVERYTHING, HE WENT TO GET HIS STUFF. Olivia sat on the couch playing some video game on the tv, she was wearing her aunts coat. harlow recognized it, since it was dicks adoptive mom and she basically lived there, sometimes. "hey asshole." Olivia greeted as she lifted the controller up in anger. "dammit! seriously Hayden!" she said in her microphone. harlow smiled as she sat down next to her, "no! I didn't." Olivia argued with a small smile on her face. "fuck off."

"so, whose your boyfriend?" harlow asked watching Olivia press a bunch of buttons. "Hayden?" Olivia shot harlow a glare, the classic wayne smirk. "hi Hayden, I'm Olivias friend! if you break her heart I'll break you-"

"harlow!" Olivia exclaimed as she covered her mic. "shut up." harlow smirked as she took a drink of her water. "he's just a friend."

"and I don't have feelings for dick." harlow replied with a glare, "bullshit! denial is the first sign about love, trust me. I've been dating your cousin for like 5 years, denial was the first sign-"

"was it?" Olivia asked her voice an higher octave. "or you two were just to stubborn to admit your feelings so you waited for one of you almost dying, so you could admit your feeling as the other one slowly was dying. cough you cough." harlow grabbed Olivias controller, "harlow grace violet!"

"Olivia celitice wayne." harlow replied as she started to play. "so I'm supposed to shoot everyone? easy as pie." Olivia scoffed as she reached over harlows body to grab the controller, harlow pulled away, her eyes glued to the screen. "no, no, no. give me the headphones, I wanna talk to Hayden."

"I'm with four other boys-"

"good, I'm in need of guy friends." harlow replied as she grabbed the headset, "alright boys, I'm not Olivia so don't be asking for a threesome or something. I'm taken." Olivia groaned as dick walked in the room, "what the hell!" harlow exclaimed hitting the controller on her knees. "the one with the blonde hair, you fucking killed us all!"

"I'm sorry!" the boy replied in harlows ear. she smiled and looked at the screen, she concentrated, "oh I'm Stan." the boy sounded Olivias age, and awkward.

"harlow." harlow replied as Olivia looked at her. harlow covered the mic, "he's name is Stan. you two would be cute-"

"you don't even know what he looks like!" Olivia exclaimed as harlow smirked. "harlow grace violet allen!" harlow snickered as Olivia blushed, "no! its not like that!"

"its so like that!" harlow replied before uncovering the mic. "Hayden! you idiot! you never go in like that! anyway, stan so are you a friend of Olivias?"

"uh yeah. she's in my class-"

"she's in his class!" harlow exclaimed to dick who watched her from the kitchen. she uncovered the mic again. "what do you look like? brunette brown eyed?"

"dick." Olivia teased as harlows mouth dropped at the screen. she died because of Hayden.

"Hayden!" harlow yelled in the mic, "what was that! Stan, anyway. Olivia here is perfect for you, plus she's rich. you can get that money. you could also meet Bruce Wayne, he's nice." Olivia and dick both scoffed, "but, I will want to meet you sometime before you propose to Olivia. don't break her. bye guys." harlow gave the controller and headset back to Olivia who was this close to punching her across the face. "love you too."

"I hate you." Olivia replied as harlow stood up. harlow gave Olivia a smirk before walking up to dick, "I hate both of you-"

"why me?" dick asked before he wrapped his arm around harlows waist, he pulled her in for a quick kiss as Olivia blinked at them with concern on her face. "fuck you."

"shut up richard." Olivia replied before going back to her game.

brynn speaks
olivia is just a cute little cinnamon roll

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