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REVERIE WAS HARLOWS BEST FRIEND. they met when harlow got her job, reverie was the computer lady. she told harlow almost all the secrets about the job, they watched princess bride for hours, talked about the hottest guys. freddie would usually hang out with them, reverie and freddie were best friends since kids.

when harlow told reverie about freddie's death, she told the blonde everything. her powers, her secrets, being a hero. reverie was apparently an assassin, harlow figured that out when she walked in on the blonde tormenting someone. harlow got close with the hacker, and now they had each others backs no matter what. 

now, reverie drove harlow to stu's. they talked about how they would murder david, they had a pretty good plan. reverie believed that harlow was stronger than what she was showing, harlow didnt believe her. their plan consists of killing harlow, only to bring her back to life. killing harlow would mean hurting david, his powers would drain. then reverie would chop off his head, then bring harlow back to life. they knew it probably wouldn't work, but did they care? no.

harlow had her hands in her pockets, it was freezing for some reason. olivia texted harlow where she was at, which was by olivias car. harlow sighed as olivia walked up to her, "hey." olivia greeted  with a weird feeling to her. reverie stayed in the car, watching from a distance which made olivia look over at the blonde.  "whose that?"

"my friend, can we hurry this up?" harlow asked impatiently, crossing her arms looking at her dead friend. olivia swallowed, looking at her phone before looking back at the brunette ex hero. "hello?"

"you see..." harlow raised her other eyebrow, "remember that dick was in prison-"


"well, i broke him out." harlow blinked at her, struggling to make the words come out of her mouth. "he's right behind you." harlow turned around to see dick standing there, his hands in his pockets.

"I'm going to slap you." harlow threatened  with a warning to both of them. she walked up to dick who flinched before she actually slapped him, "what the hell were you thinking!" olivia let out a small giggle seeing dick sigh, he gave her a look. "i want to kill you but i also want to kiss you. what the fuck are you doing to my head?' harlow let out before she kissed him. he stepped back quickly in surprise but kissed her back. olivia smiled at the two before harlow broke out of the kiss. "dont do that again. please."

he hugged harlow before she could turn around, she smiled as she hugged him back. the two haven't seen each other in a week, both been through hell. harlows arms wrapped around his waist as he wrapped his around her chest. the two stayed in the position before olivia snapped her fingers, "lovebirds. lets get going."

harlow smiled a little, the two letting go of each other. olivia smiled to herself as dick ran his fingers over harlows lip cut. she grabbed his arm with a comforting smile, "lets go annoy stu for the 12th time." she joked as they looked around.

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