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"JERICHO IS ALIVE? DON'T TELL ME DICK ACTUALLY SAID THAT." ellie said with a stern look on her face. well, they were back. axel and olivia both went MIA, so ellie decided she needed to help her friends.

"well, more like scrawled it on the wall of his cell. like cavemen style." rachel replied from next to ally and kory.

"i dont even know what thats supposed to mean." dawn mumbled from the other side of the table.

"its a style neanderthals used to depict images on the wall." kory explained as ellie scrunched up her face. she was so confused, jericho was dead. dead, gone. just like everyone else in ellies life she cared for. "usually battle scenes or hunting."

donna stood next to ellie, the two sighing, "i meant that jerichos alive." dawn replied.

"oh, sorry." kory sighed  as ellie gave her a comforting smile. ally rubbed her head as she drew small icicles on her skin, she missed leo. ally wasnt a person to show her emotions, but wildflower killed his son. ellie had to be next.

"well, one things for sure. he has clearly lost his mind." donna stated.

"but i keep having these dreams." rachel replied as ellie pointed at her, agreeing. "about dick being killed by deathstroke. and they're not going away. we need to do something about that."

"i believe you." donna said, "but we have bigger problems right now." she opened the iPad case showing the map of CADMUS facility.

"okay, so what's the plan?" ally asked before biting on her nails.

"well the main CADMUS building closes at 9, and security drops down to ten." kory explained as ellie shifted on her right foot. this could be a suicide mission, they didn't know what they were going against. "its two at each gate, and six roaming inside."

"what about the lab?" ellie asked, suddenly getting interested.

"whole different story." dawn replied as donna tapped on the lab, "its a 24 hour operation, and in the last week they've doubled up the guard. four six hour shifts, 20 bodies around the clock. sounds like thats where the party's at."

"okay, well lets crash it." donna replied.

"oh, so we're just gonna break into CADMUS and get connor, bea, and gar out of there. just the six of us?" rachel asked not agreeing with plan, which made ellie sigh.

"we dont have a choice okay?" ellie replied, her hands were placed on the table, "but between me, kory, ally and you, we have enough fire power... at least to get us through the front door."

"about that, i have some bad news. my powers have vanished." kory stated,  which made ally throw her hands up, ellie clenched her fists, they need harlow.

"what?" ellie asked with a fake smile on her face, "how does that happen? what do you mean?"

"i dont know, i dont know what happened. they are just gone and i haven't been able to get them back." kory explained as ally jumped off the table... this was going bad. if only harlow would get out of her depressed stage and get her ass back here, it would work perfectly.

"well, thats fucking great." donna replied as ellie nodded with that still fake smile on her face. it was more of an angry smile, "any news on harlow? is she even alive?"

"good question." ally replied, "we don't know. she kinda went missing after she found out her dead brother was alive, and now she's been off the radar."

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