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she didn't know why, maybe because david was probably pissed, or that she just missed three months of her life with the people she loved. donna was dead, rachel was trying to 'bring her back from the dead', or that jason (the kid who deserved better) was dead. harlow should've came back as soon as possible, but she couldn't. maybe she could've saved jason from the fucking joker, or maybe she could've at least helped him. harlow felt like jason was her younger brother, someone she cared for deeply, yet she let him suffer and die.

harlow stared off into space, her finger tapping on the table as she chewed on the inside of her lip. being back in gotham meant bad stuff was about to happen, harlow hated that feeling like she knew terrible things would happen but she couldn't do anything about it. she decided she would stay back from this 'mission' at the bird streets. harlow didn't want to do any asskicking anytime soon, especially knowing she was supposed to be dead.

the team eventually came back, after blowing up a bank, but they were all safe and sound. harlow laid on the bat cave floor, bouncing a ball on the ceiling and catching it. she was listening to music, pretending david was on the ceiling making her throw even harder. the ball bounced off the ceiling, over to the wall, then in harlows hand. "you guys fucked up." harlow singsonged looking at dick, a wide smirk on her face.

olivia stepped in the room, throwing her wristband on the table. she had burn marks on her hand causing harlow to sit up, she narrowed her eyes at the injury. harlow looked away as the sickness filled her again, something that started happening the day harlow woke up. she would feel sick anytime she saw an injury, probably ptsd, or something worse. 

"that looks like shit." ellie stated, pressing a finger to her face were a big cut was. "har, since you practically lived here, where the fuck is the bandages?" harlow sighed, she grabbed the bouncy ball throwing it at the ceiling again, this time not coming down. ellie looked up, she narrowed her eyes trying to find the red ball, it was gone. "how-"

harlow shrugged, not saying a word as she grabbed olivia's shoulder. the two injured friends sat down as harlow shut her eyes. her hands glowed a white, she placed them on olivia's burns, they disappeared in a minute. dick and kory both looked at each other, seeing harlow's ears start to bleed as she finished with ellie's cut. "you're welcome." harlow mumbled wiping the blood from her ears.

dick grabbed her arm pulling harlow out of the room, they ended up in the library, harlow in a daze as she sat down on the couch, "bruce barely touched the place." she mentioned softly as dick nodded with a chuckle, harlow put her head on his shoulder as he sat down. "i missed you."

"i missed you." dick replied kissing harlow on the head, she laid her head down on his lap as they looked at the fireplace in front of them. "how much do you remember from that night?" he asked softly as harlow looked up at him, he played with her hair as she shut her eyes. she couldn't remember much, the crying, the screaming of olivia who couldn't believe harlow was dead. 

harlow could hear it all, yet she couldn't open her eyes, she couldn't move. harlow truly felt dead, she couldn't feel anything as people picked her up. then she woke up days later, laying on a hospital bed, yet she wasn't in a hospital room. it was david's broken down house, he didnt even know harlow would wake up. harlow tried coming back to dick, she did everything in her power to escape, until she didn't have enough power to fight back and eventually she gave up. harlow was so drained that she barely wanted to live, now she barely felt feelings anymore. 

harlow frowned, "i could hear everything, i just couldn't move. then i just woke up randomly as the voices stopped." she explained, she looked at her wrists, "i tried to come back, i fucking tried. i fought, argued, and he just emotionally drained me. i never felt so alone, yet i couldn't leave." harlow sat up shaking her head, "now, i barely feel anything." 

dick put his hand to her cheek, she sadly looked at him, but no tears were coming out of her glossy eyes. all dick wanted to do was kill david, he wanted him dead for hurting harlow, he was the whole reason she was back but dick just wanted him 6 feet under. "i'll fucking kill him." dick muttered, not even realizing he said it until harlow went wide eyed. 

"no." harlow replied suddenly standing up. 


harlow shook her head, "you can't!" she yelled, suddenly taken back by her sudden outburst. she didnt even know why she was saying those words, her brain randomly saying it. harlow stepped away, tears flooded her eyes as dick looked at her sadly, "you just can't." she slowly fell to the ground, bringing her knees to her chest as dick sat down next to her.

he wrapped his arms around harlow as she began to cry, she leaned into him just wanting to feel him again. everything was numb, harlow began bawling as olivia came into the room, dick shook his head. harlow wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, dick placing small kisses on her forehead to calm her down. "you're okay, he won't get to you." dick reassured as his girlfriend began to slow her crying. 

she shut her eyes, wanting all the pain, the torture, the suffering to end. she just wanted to be normal, living a normal life without having to worry about david or not fucking up. dick rubbed her back, "i'm sorry." harlow whispered, sniffling as dick smiled softly at her. "i'm so sorry."

"you don't have to be sorry." dick replied, placing a kiss on her forehead, "its not your fault." harlow nodded, hoping that it came true. everything was her fault according to david. every. single. thing. no matter how many times dick would tell her it was okay, she was safe, harlow knew not one of those times it would be true. david would want her dead now that she was gone, he knew exactly where the wayne manor was, it was a matter of time till harlow would end up dead.

harlow didn't remember falling asleep, but she woke up a few hours later to olivia standing above her. "wanna kick some ass?"harlow groaned, not being able to answer when olivia dragged her out of bed, "no one will know you were silver!" she threw harlow a bag, "my aunts old suit."

"the one that showed to-"

here they were, harlow standing with two swords in her hands at the hobbs building or whatever it was called. she chewed her gum, a yawn coming out of her mouth as she tried to fix her suit. cressida had sort of a 'slut' phase, were she wore showy suits. harlow loved it at the time, hated the suit when she was wearing it. "on the count of three-" dick started before harlow jumped down, she landed, the concrete breaking under her feet.

"hello boys." she stated before punching one of them crossed the face, she kicked the other into a metal crate before slicing the others throat. the guard that she punched shot his gun, but she stabbed him first (a small trick she learned from blair) "clear!" harlow exclaimed excitedly in the coms.  she hopped up on the ladder, climbing up it to get a better view of dick. 

the red hood, or whatever he was called, started shooting at dick. she wanted to help but olivia pulled her down, "don't." she warned as they watched everything go down. they began to fight, harlow looking at ellie who began to eat popcorn. everything seemed to stop when harlow realized dick knocked off the mask of red hood.

"i thought me coming back from the dead was a shocker, but holy shit." harlow muttered seeing jason todd alive and not well, but alive. jason said something before shooting at harlow's boyfriend (or whatever they were, technically they broke up when harlow took her 'final breaths') 

harlow jumped down, running over to jason, she held up her swords as he pointed a gun at her head. "harlow?" he asked as the woman nodded, jason almost smiling as harlow held up her hands. "go, please."



harlow frowned as she nodded, walking away from jason as he disappeared into the night. she looked at dick, who was looking at her with wide eyes. the two didnt say anything until ellie appeared next to them, "harlow." she patted her friends shoulder, "i guess its coming back from the dead season. what's next sabrina?"

brynn speaks!

turns out two people at my school, who are girls, have a crush on me. but my school is full of trumpies, so itlll be hard to actually date one of them. who knows. maybe i should date the one in private like a secret relationship.


harlow and dick cute moment !

also jason todd <33

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