World of Tomorrow: Part 3

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"Watchmen Academy,8:00 P.M"

At a large housing unit, the garage door was raised as a Watchmen Corp transport truck pulled up before parking inside as a group of armed soldiers stood outside while the sergeant walked up to the vehicle.

Future Gohan: Stick to the script!

Future Gohan and Goten hop outside of the truck before meeting up with the sergeant.

Watchmen Elite: It's about time you showed up!

Future Gohan: "Sorry about that, chief! We got caught up in traffic on the way up here!"

The sergeant walks around to the back of the truck as he opened the doors, finding Xavier, Iris, and Crusader standing in the back.

Iris: Boo!

Iris lunges forward as she phases through the sergeant's chest, completely possessing him as she took over the soldier's body.

Watchmen Trooper#3: What's going on back there?

Future Gohan and Goten look at one another and nod before looking back at the group of soldiers who now had their weapons aimed at them.

Future Gohan: Sorry for the rush, boys! But we've got business to tend to elsewhere!

Future Gohan and Goten fire their G-36 Assault Rifles at the group of soldiers, riddling all of them with hot lead. One of the remaining soldiers run towards the exit and tries to call for back up for an X Blade to stab into the intercom.

Xavier: Ah ah ah!

Crusader walks up to the soldier as he hit him in the face with the butt of his rifle, knocking him out cold. Iris regroups with the team as she exits the sergeant, allowing him to land headfirst on the hard pavement.

Future Gohan: Find anything yet?

Iris: Not at the moment, but I do know that sergeant's dirty little secrets.

Xavier: Can you tell me?

Iris: Now's not a good time, Xavier!

Future Gohan: Iris is right! We've got bigger things to worry about! Now let's keep moving!

The doors slide open as Future Gohan, Goten, Xavier, Iris, and, Crusader rush down the hallway through dozens of Watchmen soldiers firing on them.

Future Gohan: SWAT! Move in!

Future Gohan, Goten, Xavier, Iris, and, Crusader launch through the air as they all engaged the group of soldiers.

"8:30 P.M"

Kiryu and Sari dropped down from the roof's vents as they entered a room with a large 20ft cylinder-shaped device.

Kiryu: Looks like we've found Fu's generator!

"Indeed you have!"

Kiryu and Sari immediately turn around, finding Fu standing behind them at the room's entrance. Fu's eyes glow red as he fired his Crimson Bolts at Sari, causing her to scream in agony as she was reduced into a pile of smoldering ashes.

Fu: And now to deal with you!

Fu pulls his traditional robe off as he changed into his battle robe.

Kiryu: Bring it on!

Kiryu forms his hand into a Plasma Cannon before firing a burst of energy blasts at Fu who dodged them left and right before charging forward. Fu leaps into the air and roundhouse kicks Kiryu in the jaw, sending him crashing into a nearby wall.

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