Kilos War: Part 3

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"Pinegrove Mountains"

At the temple,18 was hoisted up by restraints as she was used as a generator of some sort for a portal that will open a gateway for Syn Shenron's forces to invade. A group of Darkhawk demons descended from the sky as they had followed Cell outside of the room where 18 was being held.

Cell: The portal is halfway complete. In the meantime I want you to go forth and collect some humans for harvesting back on Lazarus. Let no one stand in your way!

The Darkhawks screech as they had ascended into the air before flying outside as they had joined in with the invasion. Suddenly dozens of X Blades stabbed into Cell's as they had begun beeping before exploding, creating a cloud of smoke.

X,Xavier,Gigan,Titano and Titina had come crashing through the glass ceiling above while an Upgraded Kiryu had bursted through the walls.

The dust clears as Cell emerges.

Cell: We meet again after these years X and it seems as if you've made some new friends while I've been away.

Cell surrounded his fists in fire before launching a wave of flames at the team.

X: Move!

The team splits up as the wave of fire had engulfed the floor in flames.

Cell: Ever have one of those days where you just felt happy to be alive?

Cell balls his fists before slamming them against the ground, shattering it into pieces.

Xavier: Whoa! That's awesome!

X pulls his Ion Rifle out and fires it at Cell who slaps the round away, sending it crashing into a wall with an explosion. Cell then fires an energy wave as X jumps to the right as he had dodged.

Kiryu fires hundreds of missiles at Cell, hitting him with multiple explosions as he was covered in another cloud of smoke. Cell launches through the smoke and kicks Kiryu in the chest, sending him crashing through multiple walls before landing outside.

Titano places Cell in a headlock only to be elbowed in the chest before being slammed to the ground.

Xavier: Hey firebug!

Cell turns around, finding Xavier as he ascended into the sky before charging up a Kamehameha.

Xavier: Suck on this!

Xavier fires the Kamehameha as Cell created a net of flames before catching the energy blast as he had absorbed it. Cell then fires the energy blast back, hitting Xavier dead-on as he was hit with a large explosion before he had crashed into the ground with a trail of smoke, damaged a good bit.

Cell: Take my word for it. Never play with fire!

Super Titina pulled her sword as she had charged towards Cell head-on.

Cell: So you must be Tina? The same girl Torvaq has told of.

Super Titina: What's it to you?

Super Titina began swinging her sword as Cell blocked the blade with his arms after each swing.

Cell: I find it rather fascinating how you've changed from a simple human being to a powerful and fearless female reptilian warrior.

Cell knocks the sword out of Titina's hands before delivering a hard spin-kick to her chest, sending her sliding across the ground. Cell picks Titina's sword up as he had begun charging towards her.

Out of nowhere,X had tackled Cell head-on before pinning him against a wall.

X: What's your excuse for coming back to Earth this time Cell?

Cell: My reason for returning is rather simple.

Cell knees X in the chest before headbutting him in the face, sending him stumbling backwards.

Cell: To open a gateway to one of our worlds by using 18 as a power source, invade this world and harvest the creatures of this planet and most importantly destroy him.

Gigan descends from the air.

Cell: The Azalean, Gigan.

Cell shoves X out of his way as he was on his way to confront Gigan.

Gigan: Cell!

Cell: You pose a great danger to us all Gigan.

Cell powers up.

Cell: And you must be eradicated at all costs!

Titano, Titina,Xavier and X stand by Gigan's side as they prepared to take Cell on.

X: Well you'll have to get through.....

Gigan: No!

Everyone looks at Gigan in confusion.

Gigan: This doesn't concern anyone of you! It's my battle to fight alone!

Gigan raises a massive chunk of the ground up, blocking the entire doorway as everyone backed away.

Titano: What now?

X: Now we split and go find 18! Me and Xavier will one side of this temple while Titano, Titina and Kiryu will take the other. Got it?

Super Titina: Got it!

X: Good! Now let's move!

X and Xavier head down the hallway, leaving Titano and Titina alone.

Titano: Where the hell is Kiryu when you need him most?

Titina points outside of the hole in the wall where Kiryu was shedding some of his armored parts before standing back to his feet.

Titano: Bring your ass you big tonka truck looking son of a bitch!

Kiryu walks inside before following Titano and Titina as they had gone the opposite way of the temple. Meanwhile, there was a standoff between Gigan and Cell in the courtyard of the temple.

The voices in Gigan's head had returned as he fell down to his knees, grunting in pain while grinding his teeth.

"I will return and when I do, everything before you shall be annihilated!"

Cell: My point has been proven. The demon in which you Azaleans have concealed for millions of years has only become more powerful as time passes. It will be only a matter of time until you die and when you do that monster will be released!

Cell grabs Gigan by the throat and lifts him from the ground.

Cell: If he was to be released today then all that exists whether good or bad will be destroyed! That is why I'm taking the liberty of killing you myself as well as taking that gem away!

Cell grabs the Azalean Gem necklace only to have his hand burned as he dropped Gigan to the ground immediately. Gigan looks up with an evil smile on his face as his eyes turned into a demonic red color.

Gigan: *Demonic Voice* It is you who I hold no guilt about killing!

Gigan's dark cloak had opened as he had launched dozens of black colored Tendrils at Cell, piercing through his body before tearing him apart limb from limb while he screamed in agony.

"To be continued"

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