Goku Black Saga (Final Season Premiere)

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"Future Earth, Night"

In the icy ruins of North City,a 10 year old native American girl walks through the empty streets, passing by the skeletal remains of U.S soldiers and civilians and rundown vehicles.

"Well! Well! Well!"

The girl stops in her tracks and looks up at the building in front of her, finding a Saiyan with a hairstyle similar to Goku's,wearing a black U.S Military uniform,kevlar vest, elbow guards,knee guards, and shin guards standing on the rooftop.

Goku Black: Looks like I've finally found you!

Goku Black aims his hand at the girl as he charges up an energy blast before firing it. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears in front of the girl before deflecting the blast, sending it crashing into a nearby building with a large explosion.

Goku Black: What!?

Goku Black looks down, finding 37 year old Future Gohan with a goatee, wearing a set of black futuristic body armor standing in front of the young girl.

Future Gohan: No more games! Who are you!?

Goku Black: Why,Gohan! It's me!

Goku Black ascends into the sky.

Goku Black: Your beloved father, Goku!

Goku Black raises his right hand into the air as he charges up a Black Power Ball before hurling it at Future Gohan. The Power Ball hits Future Gohan dead on, generating a massive explosion that leveled several city blocks.

A few minutes later, the smoke clears, revealing the now firery ruins of North City as Goku Black hovers overhead.

Goku Black: Oh how I love the sweet satisfaction of death and destruction!

Goku Black places two fingers against his forehead as teleports with Instant Transmission. On the other side of the city, a portal opens in an empty alleyway as Future Gohan and the native step out before it closes.

Future Gohan: You ok?


Future Gohan kneels down as he places his hands on the girl's shoulders.

Future Gohan: Do you know where your parents are?

"They're in a village east of the Pinegrove Mountains."

Future Gohan: Ok. Hop onto my back and I'll fly you over there!

Future Gohan stands back to his feet and turns around as the young girl hopped onto his back.

Future Gohan: Ready?


Future Gohan: Ok! Here we go!

Future Gohan ascends into the sky and flies off into the distance as he headed in the direction of the young native girl's village near the Pinegrove Mountains.

Future Gohan: "I knew my ongoing struggle to protect what's left of my world had only just begun the moment I met Black!"

Future Gohan soars overhead as he flew over Mount Pinegrove before descending from above as he and the native girl finally arrived at their destination.

"One Day Later"

At the abandoned Cold Offices, a pair of steel doors were open by an energy blast as Goku Black walked into a secure room with a bulletproof glass case in the center. Suddenly,the room glew bright red as emergency alarms went off.

"Self destruct in 5.....4....3...2.."

Goku Black: Damnit!

Goku Black teleports out of the building with Instant Transmission.

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