Android Saga: Part 3

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"North City,9:30 P.M"

On the rooftop of a hotel X, Gigan, Titano and Kiryu stood around while talking as they waited for the SWAT Helicopter to arrive.

Titano: I'm glad that all of use are finally together after all this time!

Kiryu: Yeah without things haven't been the same!

X: Well just be glad that we're all here tonight!

Gigan: If we left the device with the two of you morons then docks would've been reduced to a fire pit!

X: That's why we're good together as a team! We're like family now all because of me!


X, Gigan, Titano and Kiryu look up, finding a shadowy figure standing on the illuminated letters of Mana Hotel.

Kiryu: No way!

Titano: It can't be!

Cell descends from the letters before landing on the rooftop with the group of four.

X: Cell! What do you want with us!?

Cell: You've proven to be far more formidable against my androids than I imagined. I've come to see if it would be the same exact scenario when facing the real deal.

Titano walks forward while cracking his knuckles.

Titano: Let's find out!

Titano rushes forward before throwing a barrage of punches at Cell who easily dodged them left and right. Cell catches Titano by the arm and twisting it before kicking him in the chest, sending the reptile smashing against the neon letters.

Kiryu: Titano!

X: Son of a bitch!

X pulls out his Dual Katanas before swinging them at Cell who blocks them with the armor on his wrists. Cell knees X in the chest before kicking him in the jaw, sending him sliding across the ground. Kiryu rushes in and throws at Cell who blocks them.

Kiryu: You've asked for this bug man!

Kiryu forms his hand into a Plasma Cannon only for Cell to grab it before sweeping him off his feet with a roundhouse kick. Kiryu accidentally fired his Plasma Cannon, hitting the ground underneath X and sending him falling from the rooftop.

Kiryu: No!

Kiryu jumps to his feet only to be punched in the jaw by Cell. Gigan fires a barrage of energy blasts at Cell who dodged left and right. Cell pulls a Flashbang from his utility belt and hurled it at Gigan which had exploded, blinding the demon. Suddenly a wire wrapped around Cell's leg before he was slung several feet away before crashing through the roof fire exit.

X jumped back onto the roof before throwing his grapple gun to the side. Cell stood to his feet before cracking his knuckles and popping his neck.

X: Move in!

X pulls four Explosive Discs from his belt before hurling them at Cell. Cell leapt into the air, dodging the projectiles. Kiryu deployed his Shoulder Mounted Missile Launchers before firing them into the air. Cell deflected the missiles with his hands before slamming his fist in front of Kiryu.

Cell jolted forward and plunged his hand into Kiryu's chest before snatching out of the cyborg's body.

Cell: That was one of your 15 weakpoints!

Kiryu: How did you know that?

Cell: I happen to know many things Kiryu.

Kiryu growls in anger before charging towards Cell. Cell dodges a hard punch before swinging his hand, slicing Kiryu's left arm completely off with ease and spinkicking him several feet away. Titano walks over to the power box before plunging his fist inside, absorbing the electrical currents as Gigan and X battle Cell.

Cell grabs Gigan by the cloak and slings him away before turning his attention back to X. X blocked and dodged Cell's punches before punching him in the jaw, sending blood flying from his mouth. Cell smirked as he wiped blood from his mouth before closing his mouthplate which covered his lower face.

X: There's more where that came from!

Cell: A single drop of blood and you think you've accomplished something.

Cell grabs X by the kevlar vest before kneeing him in the chest, causing him to cough up blood. Cell then tosses X aside as Titano rushes in at full speed. Cell spins around and knees Titano in the spine before pulling out a Maser Pistol and firing it, hitting Titano in the chest and causing him to yell in pain.

Cell then uppercuts Titano, sending him into the air before crashing onto his back.

Cell: Disappointing. I actually hoped for a challenge.

X,Gigan, Titano and Kiryu were bloody and wounded as they slowly stood to their feet for one last fight. Both sides locked eyes for another before rushing forward and leaping through the air together while yelling.

Cell punched Titano in the jaw, uppercutted X,elbowed Gigan in the back and kicked Kiryu in the chest in a quick manner. The group of four collapsed to the ground. Cell walked over to X before kicking him over into his back.

Cell: I know all about you and your little friends X. There's no hope in defeating me. There never was as a matter of fact.

Suddenly a bright headlight shined on Cell as the SWAT Helicopter had hovered over the scene.

Cell: Bardock! I'd hate to spoil this reunion with bloodshed.

Cell disappears in a cloud of smoke as Bardock, Future Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo and Uub descended onto the rooftop.

Trunks: They're in real bad shape!

Bardock: Get them onto the helicopter!

"Pride Trooper's HQ,10:00 P.M"

X, Titano and Gigan sat down in the medical bay while Kiryu was being repaired by Gohan and Future Gohan.

Nail: This might sting a bit!

Nail dips a cotton ball into a bowl of alcohol before putting it on a cut on Titano's back.

Titano: FUCK!

Titano slaps Nail.

Titano: That shit hurt!

Nail: I warned you dumbass!

Nail heads over to Gigan before doing the same with his wounds.

X: We've really underestimated Cell that time around!

Kiryu: I'm definitely gonna need an upgrade on my armor after that encounter!

Future Gohan: Going out and rushing him isn't a good idea!

Titano: We learned that the hard way tonight!

X: From now on we need to obviously plan things out so we don't catch another ass whooping!

Future Gohan: I'll agree with you on that! Cell's not something to take lightly!

Gohan: Neither is Bojack!

X stands up from his chair before walking over to a locker and opening it, revealing a red cape and hood inside.

X: I've got an idea!

"To be continued"

Time Skip: 1 week

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