Chapter 61

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I sit in a large plush chair in the library as we wait for Fatalia to come in. My father hasn't spoken since we told him she was ok, and he suddenly looks far younger than he truly is. He sits to himself in a wooden chair by the window of the library.

I look over to the opposite corner of the library where the boys have all found a comfortable seat and are quietly napping. It has been an hour since we healed the queen of the water, but as Ty informed us, she still has alot to do to recover fully. She is apparently battling something dangerous, but refuses to be healed properly.

"Nice to see they are resting.." I hear a voice say from the door. I look up at the slender figure of Fatalia, she looks exhausted, though better than she did an hour ago.

"Yes, we all need a good rest.." My father says, he stands, "Aiden, Eric, Ty! Wake up, it is time to talk."

The boys jolt awake, they all look at me, I feel my heart swell at the emotions radiating from them.

"Ty.. first, I would like to thank you, and apologize... I know you could not help the link, but you must understand.. there are things a healer is born to do, and there are reason's that healers are sworn to cut off a link. Healers are destined to sacrifice themselves, I am sorry that is your destiny, but you must understand. When I found that you were linked to my daughter, I dont know what will happen to her when it comes time for you to make your sacrifice." My father stops talking, his eyes find mine, and for a moment I feel so much pain.

"Why?" I ask, my eyes filling with tears.

"What do you mean why, dear girl?" Fatalia says, her words curious.

"Why are the lives of these three amazing guys, in my hands? I don't want anyone to have to worry about me, and now I have to sit back, and listen to how one of them could never truly be happy? I know there will come a time when I have to choose, but what if I can't?" I begin rambling, and I feel my breathing quicken. I hear lightning crack outside, and the boys all look at me.

"Ava, please calm down.." I hear a voice say, and I look up to see Violet. I can't stop myself as I run to her, she holds me close, doing her best to calm me.

"My king, when the time comes, destiny will do what is meant to be done.. until then, Ava needs to make time for each boy... only when she has spent time with them all separately will her choice be clear.." Violet says, I pull back, wiping my eyes.

"I need to speak to Ty, and Fatalia alone.." my father says, he looks directly at me.

"I am not going anywhere!" I say sternly, my father is about to refuse when Ty comes to stand beside me. He leans in dangerously close, I can feel his warm breath against my skin.

"Its going to be ok, I will explain everything to you better later.. right now you have to trust me, I love you Ava, I have since I first ever saw you, I would, and will always love you with or without a link.." Ty whispers into my ear, he kisses the skin beside it before pulling away and walking to stand beside my father.

I turn my gaze to Eric, and Aiden, they follow me out of the room. Violet stands in the room, and motions for us to go.

We walk to our rooms in silence, I can feel their eyes on me, but I continue the walk.

As we finally reach the hall with our rooms, Eric stops me before I can get to my room. I see Aiden hesitate before he continues to his room. We stand in silence for a moment as Aiden enters his room.

I feel Eric pull my arm lightly, and soon I am in his arms. He holds me so tight, that for a moment I forget about everything that has happened in the past twenty four hours. I feel my heart beating out of my chest, his embrace is strong and firm, exactly what my tired bones needed.

"Please, don't run off like that again... I was terrified. After what we learned earlier this evening, I just.. I was worried that you were abandoning us all... you see I know one day I might have to learn to live without you, but I'm not ready to actually do it, and had something have happened to you... I would not be able to continue living, literally, and figuratively.."

I pull back just enough to meet his eyes, and I see that his eyes are shining with tears. I wrap my arms around his neck, and hug him as tight as I can. He hugs me back, I feel my feet leave the ground as he tightens the hug.

"Next time I will warn you, I promise.." I whisper, I can feel him chuckle against me.

"Thanks.." he laughs, putting me down gently.

He begins to turn around to go into his room, but I pull him back, I kiss him on the cheek quickly, before heading to my room.

I don't look back at him, even though my body is begging me too. I look up, just in time to see Aiden walking into my room from his door.

"I'm sorry.. I needed to see you.." he says, "like really see you."

I try to speak, but he holds up a hand.

"I feel like every day, there is less and less of a chance that you will pick me.. but I want you to know, that from the day you were born, I have dreamt of a life with you. A life where we are not only linked, but we are married, and you birth my children, and we live as long as destiny lets us, side by side. I will never give up on that dream, and yes Ty may have been your first in one department.. But Avalee, I want to be your first for everything to come.." his words shock me, and I can't find the will to move, or speak.

He slowly walks to me stopping when he is barely inches away.

"I won't expect you to want me in that way, but I know you have. I won't expect you to be ready for me in that way, not until you feel that you are.. But when the time comes, and I hope it does, I will do everything to prove my love to you.. and I mean everything.."

He presses his lips against mine quickly, the kiss doesn't last long, but it has the effect he had intended. Before I know it he is walking back towards the door.

"I'm just a knock away.." he says, shutting the door, and leaving me in stunned silence.

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