Chapter 51

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I notice someone walk in the door, and realize it's the girl that found me outside the party that day. She had seemed so sweet and instantly gave me Ava's phone number. But something is off.

"Hey, call my mother in here now, tell her it's an emergency." I whisper over the counter to Nikki, she rushes to the back.

I stand back slightly so the girl doesn't notice me, I can see Eric watching as well.

"Do you know her?" I whisper to him once beside him.

"Not really.. but I remember she is the one I talked to when I had to convince her to get Ava to go to the party.." Eric says, and my blood runs cold.

"The entire party was a set up.. she must be working for Scarlett.." I say, and Eric looks at me furiously.

"We need to get out of here now!" Eric whisper yells.

"Really? I thought we would stay and have a cup of tea while we watch her do what ever Scarlett sent her to do." Before Eric can say anything else we notice Lee walk towards them and stop abruptly, we can't hear anything that is being said, but we can see Lee stiffen and begin backing up. Ava moves between them, and the girl has a suspicious smile on her face. I see Nikki come back from the back of the store, my mother walking in behind her.

My mother looks furious, before she turns to see the girl in front of Ava.

"No witches are allowed in my store, especially those who follow Scarlett.. get out before I make your skin melt off.." my mother says, her voice loud in the small store.

"Not until the boy comes with me.." the girl says, her smile staying on her malicious face.

"Lee isn't going anywhere with you, I am his guardian and I will not allow you to take him."

Everyone looks at my mother in shock.

But Lee looks as if he already knew this.

"I wasn't asking.." the girl says, and lunges for Lee. Ava punches her in the face, and knocks her back. The girl looks furious, and I can see Ava building up her essence before she releases it, it hits the girl,  and sends her flying through the doors Nikki just managed to open. Nikki quickly shuts them and mumbles something before we can no longer see the outside. It's simply black.

"Thanks Ellie.." Lee says as he runs up to her hugging her. Her face is shocked at first, but she hugs him back before pulling away.

"Ellie?" I ask, and she shrugs at me.

"I've been his guardian for a long time, I'm partially the reason he was able to live inside Ava's head. Destiny told me that he would be needed later in life, but he wouldn't be able to live until then because someone needed to pay for their mistakes.. destiny is a cruel thing, but I made an oath that day, when I laid his body to rest that I would protect him when he came back. And I also saw him a lot when Ava was young, because she would go to the fake doctor to keep her memories blocked and I could see him. He couldn't say my name right so he always called me Ellie. I couldn't tell you kids because you were not supposed to know yet... I'm sorry I had to hide so much from you and Lily, and Ava I'm sorry I acted as if I didn't know you before.. it's just there is still so much for you too know and so little time to tell you..." my mother says to Ava and me.

"We will make time once we get back to Violet's house, can you take us?" I ask, and she looks at the floor for a moment before looking back up at me.

"Yes, I need to speak with her anyway.." my mother says, she mumbles something to Nikki before she motions for us to follow her.

"Everything is so confusing.." Ava whispers as she walks between me and Eric. We follow my mother down a long dimly lit hallway it seems to go on forever.

After a certain point a door seems to appear at the end.

When we finally reach the door my mother opens it letting us walk inside. She has been redecorating apparently, I notice that it looks a bit more lively. More like she isn't trying to hide from Terra, more so just accepting it and coexisting.

My mother loves Terra don't get me wrong, but with all of the problems Scarlett gave her, and the way alot of the people treated her, she never felt accepted. Even though she doesn't live with my father and we bounced back and forth from the castle to here, they have always loved eachother more than anything. And I always admired my father for being a be to withstand the sickness from their link to perform his duties as second I'm command to the king.

My mother once told me the reason Scarlett hated her.

Scarlett loved my father, and they were kind of dating when my father met my mother and linked to her. Scarlett was devastated, and her mother refused to step in the way of a link and forced Scarlett to marry the king, even though she was still in love with my father. So Scarlett started bad mouthing my mother to alot of the towns and eventually people started believing her. But when Scarlett married the king she thought that she could make my mother jealous by being a royal that everyone loved until she found out my mother was pregnant with me. And she was livid, she threatened to get my mother banished but my father heard her, and told her if she did not leave my mother alone that he would tell the king of her advances towards my father before Scarlett married the king.

After I was born Scarlett wanted a son, so she could try to out do my mother some how, well two years after my birth she fell pregnant with not only a boy, but a little girl as well. And that's when things really got interesting..

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