Chapter 22

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Eric pulls back as quickly as he started, and even in the pale moonlight I can see the redness on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, but something told me to do that.. I don't know what came over me.. um.. let's get back to the others please.." he says looking at the ground.

"O-ok.. let's head back.." I barely croak out, my lips are tingling with a strange sensation.

Soon we are standing in the pixie garden as we hear the others talking.

It's as if they didn't even notice we left, and I have a strange feeling that what just happened was supposed to go unnoticed by the others.

Aiden looks over at me and smiles, and I smile back. Ty walks to my side and I see a smirk playing on his lips.

"We should get going, we have spent way to much time talking.." Adriel says, "Let get you to your father princess."

We begin walking in the dark, and a pixies decides to rest on my shoulder. I smile, and then hear the faintest voice.

"I kept them distracted so that you and Eeeerrrrrriiiiiiccccc could have a moment, ooooooooonnnnnnllllllyyyyyy a moment, but it was enoughhhh. Mother of Terra told us to do soooo." The tiny pixie sings into my ear. As soon as the blush creeps up my neck, the pixie flies away. I look over at Eric, and notice him glance over at me, our eyes connecting for a moment before I look away.

Soon we are no longer walking on soft soil, but hard rock instead.

I look up, and through the pale moonlight I can see a bulking silhouette of a castle, ahead of us, and soon I can her soft intoxicating music playing.

"Oh how I have missed the music of Terra, and you.." I hear Lily say ahead of us as she pinches Adriel's cheek.  I can feel the raw emotion between the two, and I wonder how it feels to be loved.

"You will know soon enough.." I hear Ty whisper beside me.

I act like I didn't hear his words, but my face heats up instantly. I hear a chuckle beside me, and I glare at Ty making him smile at me.

"Look Ava.." I hear Aiden whisper on the other side of me.

I look up  and the scene in front of me is beautiful, tall slender bodies sway to the intoxicating music being played, and they are all unique. Everyone looks as if they were chiseled from diamonds. And as if on queue they all stop, turning towards me.

They bow, and I feel my entire body burning.

"If you blush anymore you might actually catch on fire." Aiden chuckles beside me.

A tall slender woman walks up to us, then puts a hand out to me.

I gently take it, and soon I am being spun around the opening as the music begins to play again.

"You are far more beautiful than we ever imagined my dear, my name is Zira, I am the healer in the kingdom." She says, her voice beautiful. Before I can say anything I am passed off to someone new.

It goes on for what feels like hours and soon I can feel my body trying to give in to exhaustion.

I'm about to tell them to stop when a tall man takes my hand twirling me around, he doesn't speak, he only smiles as he spins with me. I don't know how to dance but it's like my feet are moving on their own. Suddenly the man spinning me stops, and I finally get a good look at him.

"Hello my daughter.." the man in front of me says, his smile grows wider as I remember him from the vision I had.

"Dad?" I manage to choke out. Before I realize it I have thrown my arms around him hugging him with every thing in me.

"My daughter, how I have missed you.." he says gently rubbing my hair. "You have finally come home.."

"I thought you were sick?" I ask quietly, he only chuckles at me.

"My dear girl, I would not have lived for over a hundred years by getting sick, no my dear, I am simply losing days, destiny has a plan for all of us, and soon I will reach the end of the road. But not before I get to spend time with my daughter.." he smiles down at me.

"Wait you are over a hundred? But you look barely fifty.." I say quietly, he laughs loudly at this.

"My darling Avalee, you do not age no where near as quickly in Terra as you do in the human world. Time moves far slower here than it does in the human world. After your 18th birthday you almost stop aging." My father says, and I feel almost dizzy from all this new information.

"Ava, you don't looks so good.." Aiden says, quickly coming to my side, Ty and Eric barely seconds behind him.

I feel my legs give out and blackness consumes me.

The last thing I remember is strong arms lifting me.

For the first time in days I finally wake up fully rested, my body feels refreshed and the blankets around me feel like clouds.

I sit up right, and look around.

The room I am in is huge, and seems far to big to be a bedroom. I look down at the amazingly soft bed holding me, and realize that it is huge as well. I slowly crawl to the edge of the bed, and place my foot onto the stone floor. Although the room is cool, the floor is warm under my feet.

I walk over to the farthest wall where a large window looks out upon the kingdom. The busy square is brightly lit up but the sun.

I see Lily, and Adriel walking around holding eachothers hand. They smile at eachother and I can't help but smile at their love.

I hear a soft knocking, and before I can say anything the door opens and someone walks in shutting the door quickly behind them. I look down at my body and suddenly notice the fact that I am wearing a thin night gown. I instinctively try to cover myself, but soon the person in the room with me swears.

"I'm so sorry for barging in.." Aiden says.

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