Chapter 25

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Aiden looks at me with so much emotion in his eyes, he quickly pulls me to him as he kneels in the grass, wrapping his arms around me I feel the tears flowing freely from my eyes, and I feel his body gently shaking.

And soon the sky is crying too.

It's not a storm, just a rain to wash away our tears.

He pulls back slightly to look into my eyes, and I can see something so powerful in them.


There is so much love in his eyes that I couldn't possibly imagine how long he has loved me from afar.

All the years he has spent forcing himself to be distant, forcing himself to keep the urge down.

Even forcing himself to act like someone who did not love me when I first laid eyes on him.

Well atleast when I can remember anyway.

My mind is whirring at everything that has happened, but the only thing my body wants to do is be in his arms. I pull him against me and lay my head against his chest. I can here his heart beating wildly against my cheek.

After a little bit, we both finally stand up. I dust off my now wet clothes and he smirks at me.

"What?" I say, beginning to shiver a little bit.

"Even after Rain your hair still refuses to be anything but beautifully straight." He says, his smirk growing into a full smile. He walks up to me, and gently kisses the top of my head. " Let's go, I still got something very important to show you, the rest of Terra will have to wait so that I am not keeping you all day. But this can not."

His smiles grows so bright that it is almost blinding, but it's so beautiful.

I follow him for atleast two hours, my legs are growing sore, and I have tripped more times than I can count.

"Here it is, you won't find them all over Terra, because they are extremely rare. Luckily these are so close.." he says his voice in awe.

I follow his gaze, and for a moment I don't notice anything.

"I don't see anything.." I say almost disappointed.

"Shit.. sorry.. I forgot,  you were pretty much forced to not see alot of the world of Terra so that you did not stumble here at the wrong time.. let me fix it." He says quickly placing his hand over my eyes.

"In a world unseen, let her be.." he whispers, and my eyes tingle for a moment. He pulls his hand away, instantly he looks different. Not in a bad way but his face is perfect, and everything is perfection. And my heart beats even more heavily in my chest.

Before I can say anything I turn to look in the direction we were pointing.

I gasp from the beauty.

There are atleast a hundred horse like creatures, though the only difference between them and any other horse is the single horn protruding from their beautiful head.

"Is that a freaking unicorn?!" I whisper shout, trying not to startle them.

"Yes, but you can not ride them. They are their own, and they can speak, maybe not out loud but in our minds." Aiden bends closer to me, "you see that very large one that is black?"

I look through all of them, they are all different shades, but soon one stands out. He is a hulking being, but still magnificently beautiful. His coat is a glossy black, and his horn is pure onyx.

"He is their leader, we call him their king, but he refuses that title, he simply wants to keep them equal but they all follow him." Aiden says, he can see the amazement shining from my face.

I feel a strong urge and soon my feet are taking me to them.

"Ava! What are you doing, they do not like to be bothered!" Aiden say behind me. I can't stop myself, and soon I am standing in front of them, they are barely five feet away from me.

They all look at me puzzled.

Then the leader steps through them gracefully, his hooves barely making a sound.

Hello princess


It is so nice to finally meet the future queen of the stone city

Thanks, um how did you know who I was?

Mother of Terra told me, she says in way we are alike. We both have something in common.

What is that?

We both have the essence of death

I almost stumble back at his words, but something keeps me there.

But everyone with that essence also has the choice of life. I know what I chose..

He looks towards a couple of foals stumbling around.

What will you choose?

I know what I'll choose..

I turn and walk back to Aiden, his face is mixed with confusion and anger.

"What we're you thinking?!" He booms, "he could have hurt you!"

"I felt like something was pulling me down there, I had to go.." I say feeling suddenly embarrased, his face softens instantly.

"I know what's happening.. though I wish we had more time.." he whispers.

"What is happening?" I ask confused, but something tells me I'm not going to like the answer.

"When our people were born, they were born from the earth, giving all of us powers of the earth. Those whom were born from death, we're granted the essence of death. When you were born, it was already set in stone that your brother would die, no one could stop it even though they tried. That's why you were kept away at first, your mother took you to keep you where she wanted you, then she realized how powerful you were. And destiny had to step in. On your 18th birthday everything began, I felt a hammering in my heart that didn't stop until I saw you in the store that day, and I knew I had followed my destiny to you."

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