Chapter 42

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I change into my old clothes, and look into the bathroom mirror, my face is still strange to me, especially now that I am wearing my old clothes, on my newfound body.

I quickly wash my hand for the hundredth time since I got here, and leave the bathroom.

I walk into the small dining room and sit in the seat between Aiden and Eric. They both let off a wave of emotion, and for a moment I dont think I will be able to fight off the nausea, but soon it subsides. I know they don't mean to, so I don't mention it and instead begin eating the very familiar cooking.

"So what will we do when they leave?" Lily says, I feel like she is only asking to make conversation.

"Well I am going to have to take you all shopping to get clothes, a smirk that should be interesting, especially because a few of her goons like to stick around the mall nearby. So we will have to try to avoid them, otherwise they might think something is up.." Violet says, and I suddenly wish that I could go with them to the mall. I've never been to the mall.

"Eric, and Ava I will give both of you money so that if they let you leave at some point you both can buy yourselves some clothes.. and preferably new phones.. I know Ava's was destroyed in the river, Fatalia said one of her people found it polluting her water so they destroyed the already water logged phone.." she kind of chuckles to herself, and I can see the worry free expression on her face, I have only ever seen it a couple times in my life.

"I'm not sure that Scarlett will allow us to have a phone, but I will try to persuade her, I mean it will save her the hassle of always yelling at me or sending someone after me.." Eric says, and I can see that he might have to perfect statement to persuade her.

"So, Ava, are you sure you feel up to this?" Violet asks, and I honestly feel like I want to throw up, but I bury the nausea.

"Yes," I lie, "I can do this.." .

My stomach is in knots and I can't finish the delicious food in front of me. I can feel worry coming from both sides of me and it almost sends me over the edge.

I stand up, and excuse myself, I quickly run out of the dining room and up the stairs. I open up a random door and realize she has made a room for me again, it is set up exactly like my room was in the old house. I walk over to the bed, and sit down on the soft familiar mattress.

"I couldn't bring myself to leave all of your stuff behind, though I had to leave some, I managed to keep most of it. I needed something of yours, it's been hard, having your here you whole life then having to give you back.. it ages a woman, but I know that the king would be very disappointed if he knew that I considered you my granddaughter, I already have one, but I was kept from her and Aiden, because you couldn't see that world. My daughter almost disowned me because I listened to Scarlett at first, she brought you to me when you were two years old, your memories had been wiped so that you would only remember me. That day I swore myself to you, that I would forever be your guardian, and after that, I could no longer fully return to Terra." Violet says, she sits down beside me on the bed.

"Why can't you return?" I ask, her face is so broken, and it tears me to pieces.

"Because I had sided with your mother, and made the oath to become your guardian without the kings consent. And when your father demanded you be brought back, I went instead. He threatened to have me killed, but instead decided that I was more useful than he thought, he told me that I could never return to Terra, that I must stay in the human world being the eyes and ears, and I could only ever go through the doors into the black. You see my daughter refused to ever go into the human world, but she was desperate to be close to me. So she managed to make a home in the black, and when she did she sent word that I could finally see her. Though I didn't get to see her often, I still saw her more than the king would have liked. She could have been banished for doing so, but luckily my son in law has some persuasion when it comes to the king.." she smiles at me, and I hug her once again.

"I figured on of the boys would have been up here by now.." I say, and she laughs a little.

"They both started to run after you, even Ty got up. But I told them if they followed you that I would rip off their manhood.." she laughs as she tells me.

I don't question if what she says is true because as soon as I go back downstairs, all three boys are terrified.

And Lily is amused.

"Are you ok?" Ty manages to croak out first, he eyes Violet skeptically as if she might still follow through with the threat.

"Yes, just nerves.." I say, I take my seat again and finish my food quickly. Once I am done eating, Aiden leans into me.

"Can I see you alone for a moment?" He whispers, and I nod. He gets up from his chair, and waits for me to follow.

I sneak a quick glance at Eric, and luckily Violet and the others have him occupied.

Aiden takes me upstairs and to another room. It's decorated for a boy, and it has numerous band posters on its walls.

"Whose room is this?" I ask, and he smiles at me.

"Your room wasn't the only room she saved.. she brought mine as well.." he smiles at me.

"Wait you had a room at our old house?" I say shock clear in my voice.

"Yes, but it was cloaked so you couldn't see it. I would sometimes come and stay with Violet for a week or so that I wasn't always sick. Being close to you was the only thing that made me better, but even then I didn't really get to spend time with Violet because she had to tend to you. Lily always wanted to come, but they told her no, because it was to dangerous. But she would stay with my mother and we would play together in the woods behind the house while you were at school, and Eric would sneak away from Scarlett and his father to come play with us. And soon we would sneak out of Terra just to see him as well, but that didn't last long after we turned 16.." Aiden's face grows sad, and I quickly try to clear him up. I don't have much longer to see him and I don't want him to be sad.

I quickly turn his face to mine and kiss him. He sighs against my lips and kisses me as if his life depended on it.

He closes the bedroom door, and presses me against it. Our lips nearly melt from the heat between them. He begins to trail kisses from my lips to my neck, and a soft gasp escapes my lips, my knees threaten to buckle and he quickly lifts me up holding me too him as I wrap my legs around him.

We don't go further, we simply continue to kiss eachother until a soft knock brings us out of our magical make out session.

"Time to go.." We hear Lily laugh.

"Buzzkill.."Aiden says kissing me one more time before we both leave the room.

One more time before I have to face the woman who has tried to have me killed more times than I can count. 

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