Chapter 8

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I stumbled around in the darkness, trying to find the light switch. I heard shuffling behind me, and I whirled around to find a single ray of light on a man. He had to be almost fifty, but he was still handsome. He had a silver streak in his raven black hair, he had a scar on the right side of his chin that went halfway down his throat. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a vibrant silver tie.

I looked up at his eyes, one of them was an opal color the other was a smokey black. My eyes had been like that before.

"Ava, my daughter, your home." He said tears pricking his eyes. I tried to go to him, but something had my wrists. I turned to find Eric, his gaze hardened.

"Kill him Ava." Eric said coldly.

"Kill him, or we kill them all" said a female voice beside me.

It was Scarlet.

She wore a black velvet dress. Everyone was dressed as if they were attending a Ball of some sort. I looked down at my self,  I was in a silver gown.

When I looked up again, I saw my grandmother, and Aiden. They were standing behind my father. I looked at Aiden his face stricken, he looked hurt. Had I hurt him?

"She is taking to long, kill them all. Aiden first!" Scarlet yelled.

The world grinded to a stop as I ripped my hands from Eric. I ran to Aiden, I looked at his face. He was screaming, I turned just in time for the essence to erupt in my chest.

There was a blinding light then I was gone.

I failed them.

"Ava! Ava! Sweetheart wake up!" Grandmother screamed. I groaned rolling over, my chest hurt. The dream definitely felt real, what was going to happen in the future? I was terrified to find out.

"What happened to her?!" Aiden almost screamed. I winced trying to open my eyes, the light was to bright. I tried to sit up, but my head weighed a ton.

"There is only one thing I can think of that is happening, but to know for sure we have to get your mother. She is the only one that can tell for sure." Grandmother said to Aiden. I finally managed to open my eyes,  I looked at the both of them standing over me. They instantly gasped,  I looked back at them confused.

"What?" I choked out, my throat and mouth feeling like sand paper.

"Your eye's," Aiden bent down so he was sitting right beside me. "They turned black, it's starting to fade to silver now."

"We need to get her there now." Grandmother said looking at me. "When we go, be sure to only call me Violet. The Others would not approve of you thinking I was your grandmother.  Especially since you are royalty. Oh, and put these on, those clothes are filthy." She finished handing me a stack of my clothes.

"Royalty?" I stammered, trying to stand up way to fast. The world started to spin, I felt Aiden put an arm around me, as he gently began lifting me up till I was standing. He held me against his chest keeping me steady so I could soon stand on my own. I couldn't help but breath in his scent, he smelled of something that this world did not have it amazed me. I looked up, his face was inches from mine. I looked into his eye's they held a storm in them, I opened my mouth to speak but he released me. I frowned a little instantly missing his presence so close.

I looked around instantly aware that there was no where to go, to change in private. I looked up to meet Aiden's eye's making him blush as he realized my predicament.

"Uh.. I'll turn around." He stammered as if I had somehow embarrassed him.

As soon as he turned around, I started peeling off the nasty dress, and heels that I now hated. I quickly pulled on my comfy jeans and a black long sleeved shirt that fit my torso perfectly. Then I put on my beloved converse, oh how I had missed them dearly.

"Are you done?" Aiden said fidgeting with his back to me.

"No." I said trying to be sarcastic before I realized he believed me. "Yes, I am done you, dork."

He turned around, his expression aggravated. 

"Come on we don't have much time, Ava, I warn you now that where we are going is far different from the world you always knew. Please stay between me, and Aiden, and do not touch anything. Especially the roses." Violet said quickly as she put her hand on the wall mumbling something I couldn't understand,  then a dark wooden door appeared. She opened it swiftly, as she peeked into the darkness on the other side of the door, then motioned for us to follow. I slowly crept towards the door with Aiden behind me. As soon as we were through, the door disappeared. I gasped making Aiden chuckle at how much it amazed me.

I huffed moving forward, trying not to stumble. There was no light, and the floor was soft like dirt.

"Can I please use the flashlight on my phone?" I said agitation in my voice.

"No, and I'll take that just so your not tempted. The light can kill you in here, it makes the creatures come out. And considering I do not have my sword with me, we will be greatly out of luck." Aiden said plucking the phone out of my back pocket.

I swung my elbow back connecting with his chest.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He hissed.

"What are you two going on about?" Violet said before I could say anything.

We both mumbled the word nothing, and continued on.

I stumbled over countless things that I could not see. I wasn't sure how long we had been walking, but my legs were extremely tired. I just wanted to lay down in my bed and sleep for the rest of life. But sadly that wasn't going to happen.

I thought back to the dream I had, would I really be expected to kill my father? Would my mother really kill everyone if I didnt? I didn't want to think about it, so I continued to follow violet. After what I was sure had took an eternity, Violet pressed her hand to a wall. Hearing her mumble softly she pulled back, and a door slowly appeared. Violet ushered Aiden forward and he entered first, then Violet pushed me making me stumble into the entrance.  Then she came in closing the door, which was now a wall, behind her.

Violet turned around, I watched her tense up. I looked at Aiden who was also tense, before I finally turned around.

"Well, fancy seeing you here son. And I don't need to know this one's name, I can already sense her heritage." She said scrunching her nose up at me, she came towards me."Well princess, why have my mother, and son brought you here?"

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