Chapter 48

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Aiden and I have our backs to eachother as the traitors try to close in.

"Ava, there are way to many to fight.." Aiden says behind me, and he is right there are nearly a hundred surrounding us and headed to us. Most of them do not use their essence, but some do. That's when I also realize that not all half breeds have powers and the traitors that were banished from Terra are the only ones whom are using their powers.

I notice Eric fighting through the crowd to get to us, but they are holding him back.

"Eric!" I yell, and I can see him begin punching people. They barely budge as he begins to use his essence. Things begin to explode around us and the people begin to scatter. Alot of them don't budge but continue to try to intimidate us.

I decide I've had enough standing back, I let my essence take over and I see the black flames  creep through my body, but I watch in amazement as I see white flames compete with the black to cover me.

I force myself to look away and let my  rage out.

The black roots explode from the ground and wrap around unsuspecting traitors. Some of them fight back, but I'm much faster. I see a familiar face walk into the crowd. She smirks at me before she let's her powers out.

Ice begins to fall from the sky in daggers and they try to impale us, but some how I manage to deflect them from me and Aiden. I can see Eric deflecting them too.

"Ava! We need to go now!" Aiden yells over the horrible noise. I make eye contact with Eric he is closer now but still not close enough.

"Eric hurry!" I yell, and for a moment I don't think he hears me.

He gives a massive push with his essence and the people break away letting him get through quickly. He runs to us and within seconds Aiden opens a door on the ground below our feet, I see Scarletts face grow furious as we all fall through the door. Before anyone can follow us Aiden mumbles something and the door seals.

We are sitting in my old bedroom, I look around and there are still a few posters on the wall.

"Ava, are you ok?" Aiden and Eric say in unison.

"I'm fine, but how did we end up here?" I ask and Aiden blushes slightly.

"Well I wanted to go somewhere where no one would find us but also that I knew very well, and this is where we ended up. We couldn't go directly back to Violet's because then they would have known where she is if someone had tried to come through the door." Aiden says, he leans against the door listening closely.

"What are you doing?" Eric says, and Aiden motions for him to be quiet.

"We gotta move.. someone is in the house, and I don't feel like staying to find out if they are safe or not." Aiden says and quickly locks the bedroom door.

"Well how are we getting out?" I ask, and he smirks at me.

"The window of course, it's not a very far drop, and if we try to go out the door, whoever is here will no doubt see us." Aiden says, I roll my eyes at him and I see him pout slightly.

I walk over to the window, and don't see anyone but I do see my old car, Violet must have left it here for emergencies.

"Does Violet still own this house?" I ask, and Aiden nods. I quickly go for the closet and step inside. I begin to rummage through a few random objects before I finally touch what I am looking for.

The spare key to my car.

"You realize we have teleport action right?" Eric asks, and I give him a look of 'really?'.

"I know that, but if we keep opening doors, then someone is going to end up following us the wrong place, and the last thing we need is someone following us back to Violet's or Terra." I say, and start towards the window.

We all freeze when we hear someone start up the stairs.

"It's time to go now.." Aiden whispers, and the person stops at the top of the stairs.

Suddenly footsteps begins quickly headed right to my room.

"Go, go, go!" Aiden whispers.

I pull the window open and begin to step out onto the small amount of roof.

Whoever is in the house begins to try to open my door. I nearly tumble off the roof of my old house but I feel a strong arm wrap around me. I look back to see Eric.

"Hold on to me and I'll get us down.." I do as he says and feel him walk to the edge of the roof and jump off, we land gracefully and he puts me down slowly. We look back to find Aiden climbing on to the roof. Before we know it he is on the ground.

We run to my car and get in, I don't know where we are going so I let Eric drive. He starts the car and begins to back out when we see someone running out of the house.

I feel all the breath leave my lungs when I see who it is.

"Lee?" I ask, tears filling my voice.

Eric stops the car, and we all look at my not so dead brother.

I get out of the car even though Aiden and Eric are both yelling at me to stay inside.

"Lee.. how.. how are you here right now?" I ask, he smiles at me slightly.

"Apparently our mother knew how to bring me out. The ring she put you in was to draw out lost souls, but when I was released I woke up here, I guess because it is the only place I have really ever known.." Lee says, his face showing so many emotions.

"But she didn't take anything away from me.." I say questioning him.

"She didn't have too, your blonde friend over there gave his human soul, so now he is pretty much full blooded whatever you want to call it.. and I'm human.. not how I wanted to live my life, but atleast it is a life.." Lee's face lights up at the realization that he is alive, and I begin to cry realizing that Eric is the reason he is alive. That's why Eric was so weak when I found him.

That's why his eyes showed the essence of life.

Because he brought someone to life.

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