Chapter 21

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It takes my eyes a moment to adjust, the sky is black, but softly along the ground little glowing figures flash as they dance along the soft forest floor. I look up and see atleast twenty of the deer like creatures that I had seen in the vision. I feel finger intertwine with mine and realize that Aiden is holding my hand.

Again I see the soft pink glow, my face heats up, but I don't pull my hand away. As I take a few steps forward the little figures scatter and bounce ahead of me.

"It's been so long since I have seen the pixies.." Eric says quietly, I can hear the longing in his voice, "They are so beautiful.."

"Looks like they missed you.." Lily says, making us turn to find Eric with pixies climbing on him. I see a smile playing on his lips, and he looks up his eyes connecting with mine. He holds my gaze, and for a moment I feel a slight tingle at the base of my skull.

Come to me child

Within seconds I am in a warm, sunny meadow. I look around and see a beautiful woman with silverish hair. She has her back towards me, and I quietly walk towards her.

The woman turns around slowly, and I notice she is with child. Though her hair is silver she doesn't look a day over twenty, she smiles as she notices me.

"What is your name, my dear?" The woman says softly.

"My name is Ava, what is yours?" I say walking closer to her. The closer I get, the calmer I feel.

"I do not have a name my dear, I am the mother of what surrounds you. I am the creator of this beautiful place, that you have the choice to destroy.." she continues to smile at me but her last word chills me to the bone, and I stop in my tracks.

"What do you mean?" I say, my words slightly wavering.

"Don't be worried dear girl, I am not upset with you. You see I am the mother of Terra, and I know that you are destined to be the bringer of life or death. Though all the others see in you is the essence of death.. But I, my dear, see the gift of life.." she smiles at me, and suddenly I feel a small bit of hope before I am pull back to reality.

"Ava, are you ok?" I hear three male voices echo, I open my eyes and see a very curious pixie bouncing around my head.

Before I can say anything we hear footsteps.

"Do not move, I was sent by the king to take care of trespassers, and I am-" I hear a deep voice say before it gets cut off. I turn my attention to the man who now has Lily wrapped around his neck in a strong bear hug.

Soon the hands of the shocked man in front of us wrap tightly around Lily before we see the two kiss.

"Adriel, please wait till we get back to the kingdom before making a move on my sister.." Aiden says rolling his eyes.

"Wait, Adriel?.." I hear Eric say, and he stands frozen. Then suddenly, as if Aiden hit a strong realization.

As if Adriel forgot all about Lily he moves swiftly in front of Eric with his sword pointed directly at Eric's throat. Within seconds I am in front of Eric with the sword digging into my shoulder. Eric tries to pull me back, but I don't budge.

"Get out of the way, I must kill this traitorous scum.." he growls, the features on his face are dimly lit by the pixies below us, but he looks like someone I should know.

"I'm your brother Adriel, I'm not a traitor... I know I did the wrong things but that was because our father forced me to do so..." Eric pleads, earning a scoff from Adriel.

"Don't you ever call that man my father halfbreed, he is a human loving pig, and he couldn't even stay with the woman after he knocked her up, he just stole you from her when she gave birth and drove her mad when he brought you home to us.. I treated you with love and kindness, no matter your bloodline, but then when that pig left, you left with him turning your back on Terra and destroying our family.. my mother still loves you and prays to the mother of Terra that you will find the right way before it's too late, but dear brother I do not have mercy for traitors." His voice is like ice daggers, and suddenly I feel the temperature grow colder.

"Get out of my way girl, I have business with my brother." Adriel booms.

"You will not touch him, he is helping me reach my father therefore he is in the right direction to being redeemed. Take us to the king." I say, my voice not entirely my own, I notice Lily walk up to the very shocked Adriel, and make him lower his sword. Aiden grabs me by the hand pulling me to his side.

"You're bleeding.." I feel a cool hand touch my shoulder. I look up at Ty as he places the hand over the wound. It stings for a moment before the bleeding stops.

"Princess, please forgive me, I would never strike you or put you in any harm, I am so terribly sorry for your shoulder.." Adriel says, his face is contorted in agony as if he is going through physical pain.

"I forgive you.." I say, and look around for Eric, the one he should truly be apologizing too.

I don't see him any where, I listen closely and can hear foot steps in the distance. I decide to follow the sound and soon I can barely hear the voices of the rest of our little group. I'm surprised no one noticed me leave, but I need to find Eric.

I pause for a moment listening for foot steps, but hear nothing.

I can barely see the group in the distance, but I know they can't see me do to the light of the pixies around them. There is only a very pale moonlight showing me the soft supple soil below my dirty shoes.

"The moon lights up your soul.." I hear a voice say beside me.

I turn to find Eric leaning against a tree, he pushes off the tree and walks toward me.

His gaze is unrecognizable, and it makes something stir inside me. I instinctively step back, and suck in a breath as my back presses against a tree. Within seconds he is in front of me, his face inches from mine.

I can feel his warm breath caress my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

"What you done back there was stupid.. but believe me it didn't go unnoticed.." he whispers before I feel his lips crash against mine.

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