Chapter 66

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I wake up in someone's arms, the sun is burning into the room. I roll over, and meet Eric's eyes, he gives me a small smile.

"Good afternoon beautiful, get enough sleep?" He grins, I blush deeply, hiding my face in his chest. I can feel his chest vibrating against me as he laughs, I smack his chest, and climb out of the bed. I notice he brought me to his room, and decide to go back to mine so I can shower. I do it quickly, and within minutes I'm pulling on a flowy dress I got from Aiden's moms shop. It's a deep purple that brings out my dark hair, and fair-skin.

I slip on some simple black flats, and check myself in my mirror. My eyes have been a deep blue since yesterday, there are opalescent flecks in them.

I decide to go see if Eric is still in his room. I open the door, and find him sliding a tshirt over his shoulders. I blush, and try to turn around, but somehow manage to smack my face into the door, and fall backwards.

I dont hit the ground as Eric catches me, his shirtless chest against my back. My body heats up as I notice my dress is around my hips.

"Oh! I-i didn't see anything.." Eric stammers as I force my dress down. He helps me up, and I feel suddenly uneasy. As if Ty, or Aiden are in trouble.

"Eric, somethings not right..." I say, and he could already feel my unease.

He convinced me everything would be alright, and decided we should probably go get something to eat.

As we left the room, and turned the corner I saw my twin walking hand in hand with the red headed girl.

"Lee!" I said running to him, he let go of the girls hand, and ran to me picking me up.

"Ava! I cant believe it! I was fine being a normal human, but this is amazing! I don't feel so weak here." He sits me on my feet, "Ava, this is Willo! She is my link!"

I look to the girl beside him, I can visibly tell she is a half blood like Eric. But she is extremely beautiful, her eyes are green, and gold, and her hair is a beautifully deep red.

"It's so nice to meet you! I'm so happy my brother has linked to you, you are so beautiful!" I say, grinning at her. She blushes, before shaking my hand.

"I'm no where near as pretty as you, your majesty!" She says, I shake my head at her, pulling her into a hug.

"Listen, you are far more beautiful than anyone I have seen in Terra." I whisper before I pull away, she gives me a genuine smile.

"Have you both eaten anything yet?" Willo asks, "I can whip something up for you both."

Lee frowns at her slightly, and I give her a questioning look.

"You don't have to do that anymore, you will be my partner for life.. you aren't a servant anymore." Lee whispers.

"How about we all whip something up?" Eric says, "I used to cook in the human world, I'm sure Ava, and Lee could use some cooking lessons."

I smile at Eric, and notice Willo visibly relax. Lee begins to banter with Eric, about him no longer owing him anything, and how he is strong enough to beat him up. Eric cackles as Lee punches his arm, and I watch Willo as she smiles at the two.

Once we get to the kitchen a few of the servants scamper away as they see us, but some stay to assist us with anything.

Alot of the vegetables, and fruits are similar to what I ate in the human world, just different colors. There are a few questionable things here, but they all taste delicious.

Eric tries to teach us how to make a pizza with the ingredients we have, but Lee decides that throwing flour at each of us was a better plan.

"Oh it's on!" I yell, and smash an egg onto Lee's head, he cackles and rubs sauce over my face. We hear Eric, and Willo laughing, so we turn our focus on them. Willo immediately tries to run from Lee, but he catches her, rubbing his flour,and egg covered face against hers. Her laughter fills the room, making me smile as I march towards Eric. He smirks at my sauce covered face, but doesn't notice the handful of sauce I have behind my back.

I stop in front of him, making him look down at me.

"You don't scare me little girl.." he says, I bring my hand up smashing the sauce in his face. He is stunned for a moment before he smirks at me. "You better run, love"

I take off running, and quickly run into a walk in pantry. I almost close the door when Eric slides through, there is no light in the room as the door closes. I can feel him breathing against me, I back up into a shelf, his chest connecting with mine.

His face is inches from mine as I feel his hot breath, I tilt my head up, and soon feel his lips crash against mine.

His hands find my hips, digging in. I gasp against his lips, and he pulls away, laying his forehead against mine. My heart is beating out of my chest as I feel him start to pick me up.
Eric presses my back into the shelf as my legs wrap around him. He kisses me again, slower this time, more intimately. I can taste the sauce on our lips, as he deepens the kiss. His hands play with the hem of my dress, making me fully aware of whats about to happen. And what just happened last night.

I put my hand on his chest, and he stops. He knows, I dont have to say it, he gently lets me down. He stays pressed against me, and I lay my head on his chest.

"I will always love you Ava, even if you end up not loving me.." he kisses me softly one last time before opening the pantry door. We go back to a giggling couple, and clean up a bit before finishing the pizza.

Once it's done we all eat, and talk for hours. By the time we are done, and have cleaned up. The staff is already back to cooking for dinner, I decide to go outside to stretch my legs.

Eric went upstairs to change as I walked outside. Some of the others looked shocked to see me still wearing a flour covered dress, and I couldn't help, but wish for a little rain to wash away their stares.

I smiled to myself as I was left in the courtyard of the castle, standing in the middle of the rain on a sunny day.

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