Chapter 68

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After Eric, and I finished making hot chocolate we both decided to head to bed.

So now, I'm laying in my giant comfy bed, suddenly fully aware of the fact Aiden, and Ty still haven't returned. I decide to go back downstairs, maybe stop by, and check on my father again. Earlier when I spoke with him, I did so to see if he was ok. He had seemed different after Lee's transformation. As if he had lost something big to him.

"Hey, I just wanted to see how you were doing?" I said as my father looked up at me from his desk. He seemed to have aged in the span of hours.

"Yes, sweet girl, I can inform you I'm doing well. Just a bit of stress is all, it's not all that easy running Terra. You will know soon enough." He says, giving me a fatherly smile.

"Why don't you take a break?" I say, thinking about him going on a small adventure. Something to get his mind off of everything going on.

He smiles at me, and I can tell he is taking it into consideration.

"I'll think about it, maybe I'll go, and give Winter a visit.." His face has lit up, and I say goodbye as I walk out of the study.

I am walking towards the study when I hear a commotion. I notice the main doors are open, and two figures are being welcomed in by an overly excited Lily.

I take off running straight for the doors, as I'm getting closer the two figures turn to me. They both meet me half way as I jump in their arms.

We stand there in an extremely awkward, but love filled hug.

"Don't you ever leave me like that again, Ty!" I cry, tears falling from my face. I see pain clear on his face, and know that he wouldn't if he had a choice. They both sit me down, and Aiden mumbles something about needing to use the bathroom after Winter giving them a ride home. I watch him walk towards one of the many bathrooms.

"Ava, I'm so sorry, I had things to attend to at the river.. I'm back though, I'll be by your side for the rest of my life." Ty says, his voice trembling. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him to me tightly, he holds me against him.

As his body is pressed tightly against mine I can remember the way it felt the first time we went to that level. I start to think about what we did before he left as well, and I can feel heat course through me. I realize very quickly that my body is glowing, and Ty's is doing the same. He slowly pulls away, blushing, and smiling.

"Aiden told me you sent him to find me" he asks, I blush instantly.

"Well, you did leave in the middle of the night, then I got woke up by my brother meeting his link then being accepted, and transformed by Terra. So I kind of needed you here.." I say, his hand finds mine, squeezing gently.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here Avalee, I'm here now.. though I do think that Aiden would like to see you. He has thought about you the entire time, and it's honestly, made it even harder for me." He smiles, and nods toward Aiden who is sitting on a lounge chair a ways down the hall.

"Thank you Ty, I never want to lose you.." I say, he kisses my forehead before giving me a smile. He heads off towards his room, I walk down the hall.

Aiden looks up as get a few feet away, he stands quickly, almost fumbling with himself. I giggle slightly, and his body relaxes.

"I see you came back in one piece, I would have had to tear Terra apart if anything had happened to you.." I say, looking up into his eyes. He winces for a moment, and I know something happened, "Aiden, what happened?"

He ponders on if he should tell me or not, then decides telling me is the easiest way. As he begins explaining what happened, I grow angry, then worried, then relieved. I nearly squeeze him to death as he finishes telling me.

He assures me he is ok, then I do what I wanted to do.

I punch his shoulder hard.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He says, cocking a brow at me as he rubs his shoulder tenderly.

"A small tinge of anger from you, and Ty almost being killed by a monster!" I squeal, Aiden's face softens, and he quickly brings me into his lap holding me.

"This may be cheesy, but I've missed you dearly.. Can we maybe sleep together tonight?" He smiles at me, I raise my brows, and he stutters saying he didn't mean that. I laugh as I nod at him, and we walk upstairs to our rooms.

Once we get to my room, I change into a night gown, and walk into Aiden's room. He is waiting by his window, his chest exposed as he is only wearing pajama bottoms. My jaw nearly hits the floor as I take in the scene before me.

"It's still nice you look at me that way, still drooling over my manliness.." he grins, I roll my eyes as he gets up walking towards me.

He picks me up quickly, and I laugh as he spins me around. He crawls into his bed, dropping me onto my back on the soft sheets. He curls his body into mine making me smile.

"You have no idea how much I miss you when you're not in my arms.. when you're not it's as if the world has no color." He whispers against my neck.

"You do the same for me too, Aiden, I feel so lost without you.." I whisper, his eyes meet mine as he lifts his head.

He slides up in the bed slightly, bringing his lips to mine. He cuddles into me, and within a few minutes, we are both fast asleep.

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