Chapter 16

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I look around the room, and there are swords everywhere. They are made from different metals and some are even made from different crystals. I look at the boys in front of me and they are all smirking at me.

"What are you all looking at?" I say walking around feeling of all the swords.

"We have a special one for you Ava.." Ty says as he pulls a sword off the wall. It's in a sheath so I can't see the blade, the handle is beautiful though.

"Take the sheath off, but be careful.." Ty says, his eyes are bright showing his excitement. I slowly pull the sheath off, and I notice the blade is made out of crystal, but it is swirled with an opalescent color. Halfway up the sword, you can see black start to swirl in with the opal, and soon the tip is completely onyx.

"The sword was made for you when I had my first vision.." Ty looks at me, and it makes my stomach flip.

"What do the colors mean?" I ask curious as to why those two colors are everywhere for me.

"It's the colors that match your essence. You will make this sword more deadly when you use it. If I were to use this sword, it would seem dull and wouldn't do very much damage. But when you use this sword it will make it one of the deadliest swords known to Terra." Aiden cuts in, eyeing the blade in my hands. I run my hand along the blade, and it feels as if it has a steady hum.

"Can we Hurry this along please?" Eric scowls at Ty.

"You don't get to rush us.." I say, slightly angry at him. He looks at me like I have just offended his ancestors.

"I'm only here to help them find you." He says sternly, demanding my attention, "I lost the love of my life, because you couldn't stay put. So frankly I can rush you as much as I damn well please."

"I didn't make her die, the woman you choose to follow killed her because she is flipping insane! So don't blame your girlfriends death on me!" I bring my hand back and slap him as hard as I can, before I turn and walk out of the room. I hold the sword in my other hand, and I love the weight of it. I put it back in its sheath, and pull the strap around my waist. It fits like a belt, and the sword doesn't get in my way as I walk. I can feel so much anger boiling inside of my chest, and I just need to let it out.

"Ava! I'm sorry ok? I didn't mean to say that, please forgive me..." Eric looks like he is on the edge of tears. I look down at my hands and they are glowing a blinding white.

"I need to get out of here, get the boys tell them we need to get out of here.." I say clutching my chest as my body starts to radiate the glow. I see Eric bang on the door, and soon the two boys come out. They both are trying to adjust their sheathed, but soon they see the new glow in the corridor. They both look up in shock.

"Can we please go, I think I need to be out of this enclosed space.." I say almost crumbling to the floor as my body feels like a million volts of electricity is flowing through it.

"Ava, here let me carry you.." Aiden says, walking over to me and lifting me up. I see my glow change automatically, the color going from a blinding white to a soft pinkish white.

"I'm happy to know I can calm you down.." Aiden whispers as he begins to walk down the corridor with Ty and Eric behind us.

"Maybe I should keep you around then.." I try to joke, but my body still feels weird.

"You aren't getting rid of me very easily, princess.." he whispers, making  me shiver.

"We are almost at the entrance." Ty says, walking past Aiden. Soon all I can see is a large wall of water at the end of the corridor. It shimmers with iridescent colors, it's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Aiden gently puts me down, I can feel my body simmering down. I slowly walk to the wall of water, it feels like it is calling me. I lift my hand gently to the water, it ripples as I get closer. I take a small step forward, and it slowly moves back. I look back at the others and a small smile plays on my lips. All three boys smile back at me.

I put my hand out, and whispers the words I have dreamt of.

In a world unseen let me be

The water shimmers and backs away from all of us, leaving a long stone walk with stairs up to the surface. The water has surrounded the walk, making it a tunnel.

"How did I do that?" I look at the boys, just as shocked as they are.

"I have only ever seen Fatalia do that." Ty looks at me with wonder in his eyes.

"That's was awesome!" I say walking down the walk way in front of me. Soon we come to the stairs, and I slowly start to ascend them.

"Ava, please wait for us!" Eric yells from the tunnel. I don't listen, and instead begin to run up the stairs. I take them two at a time, and soon I am at the top. I stop short at the sight in front of me. My hand goes to my sword, as my heart start to beat faster. I can hear the boys coming up behind me, they don't notice that I am standing rigidly still.

"Ava, we told you to wait-" Eric begins to say, but stops short when he realizes what's in front of us. I hear him pull a sword beside me, and soon I pull mine as well. Aiden and Ty soon pull theirs as they realize that this isn't going without a fight.

"Ty it's so nice to see you outside of the water, and you have brought friends!"

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