Chapter 70

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I sit on the edge of my bed as I slide my feet into some boots. I decided to wear the simple training garments, Aiden said he wanted to take me somewhere, but also said I would need to be comfortable.

I look up as a quiet knock comes from my door to Eric's room.

"Come in.." I say, fastening the straps on the boots. The door slowly opens, and I can see a pair of feet come into view as I'm looking down at my boots.

"How are you feeling?" Eric asks, his voice a bit timid. I look up meeting his eyes, he gives me a smile that doesn't quite reach them.

"I'm feeling alright, are you okay?" I ask standing up, he's gotten taller it seems. I look up at him, and notice there's a storm in his eyes.

"Your emotions, they overwhelmed me a bit.." he whispers, gently scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I think you may have forgotten I can feel everything you feel.."

I cant hide the blush that creeps up my body, he notices instantly.

"I apologize, I'm still learning how to control them, so it's a bit hard to remember sometimes.." I mumble, I hear my door open, and look up in time to see Aiden walking in. His eyes flicker between Eric, and I, before they rest on me.

"Are you both headed somewhere?" Eric asks, his voice suddenly distant.

"I was just going to take Ava to see something.." Aiden says, he gives Eric a look, and something tells me there's more to it.

"Right.. gotcha, I'll probably head down to eat then offer your sister some assistance if she needs it, otherwise, I'll keep busy with Lee.. find me when you get home Avalee.." Eric whispers the last part, but I hear it clearly. There's something really effecting him, and I feel as though he is hiding it from me so the others don't see.

Aiden, and I watch as he leaves the way he came. I can feel Aiden relax even though we are still a good distance apart.

"Well, I've asked the cooks to make us a special lunch, and have it packed, and waiting for us. We will eat it when we get there, but eat this while we walk out." Aiden grins, tossing what looks like a chocolate chip cookie to me.

"Is this a chocolate chip cookie?!", I almost squeal in excitement. I bite into it, and moan as the flavors burst in my mouth. The taste of wild oats, devilishly sweet chocolate, and a slight nutty taste overwhelms my senses. I hear Aiden chuckle bringing me out of the sugary intoxication.

"I see you enjoyed Zara's famous chocolate chip cookie." He smirks at me.

"Who is Zara? I need her to teach me how to make these, because oh my goodness.." I say as I push the remainder of the cookie into my mouth.

"She's the mousy little baker, she stays in the kitchen most of the time, she's a half blood, who refuses to make herself known.. very sweet girl, honestly she used to make cookies for me to sneak, when I'd go to visit Eric. Her mother fell in love with a human before she met her link. Due to her mother being quite the healer, she doesn't get treated badly, but Zara doesn't quite care for her mother.. thats something she can explain to you one day." He says, he wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me out of my room along with him.

"Do most half bloods work for my father?" I ask, not sure how I feel about that.

"Well, some of them work for your father because they feel as though they owe him, because many of the others do not accept them due to them being half human. But your father does not make a difference, and with some of the others he will convict them and force them to do the work instead. So its calmed down a bit, but alot of the elders despise them.. The other half bloods work for your father because they enjoy doing so, because they either don't know how to control their essence, or their essence is of no use. Zara however has an essence that helps her create things to perfection. So she quite enjoys baking, and no one argues with that." Aiden rambles, I smile at him, but suddenly I feel a strange fluttering in the pit of my stomach, and my mind wanders to Ty, I'm not sure why, but a sudden wave of affection hits me, and I grow a bit overwhelmed.

"Ava? Are you okay?" I hear a voice behind me say.

I turn to see Lee walking towards me, his face growing more worried the closer he gets. I notice his link, Willo, walking behind him, and smile at her as my body begins to tremble.

"Willo, please go get Zira, if you can't find her, bring Zara instead.. please hurry!" Aiden begs, his eyes becoming stormy as he looks at me. I can feel the worry, I can feel everything at once.

Th-thump th-thump

"Ava.. what was that?" Lee asks, his face paling. I cant find the words to say as I feel a strong urge to have Ty near me. As if whatever is happening revolves around him.

"Ava?!" I hear someone yell, they must be a good distance away because their voice was faint.

No, thats not it..

I succumb to the darkness, and I'm pulled into a meadow.

"Where am I? I've never been here before.." I say out loud, I look around and the place is beautiful, calming.

"Hello my dear, I needed to see you again.." I turn to find the mother of Terra, her pregnant belly shining through her dress.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask, still confused about what led up to this moment.

"Well you see, sweet girl, my sister loves to throw in little gifts.. and sometimes they can complicate ones decisions, but for you, you need to be prepared for the ultimate decision.." I look at her confused but she simply walks away, and soon the meadow fades away too.

"Is she going to be okay?" I hear a faint voice say, I can't make out who it is, but I know it's one of my boys because I can feel the love radiating off of them.

"Zara, darling, I need you to run, and whip up your best protein filled drink, preferably with no smell.." I hear a woman say.

"Yes, mother.." I hear who I'm assuming to be Zara respond. I feel sore for some reason, but also extremely relaxed. I slowly try to open my eyes, and quickly thank the people in the room for darkening the light. My eyes adjust quickly and I see everyone standing around me, my boys are all there, and so is Lee, Willo, and my father.

"Welcome back sweet girl.." a woman says to my right. I turn my head, and instantly remember the woman from the day I got hear.

"You're Zira.." I croak out, I'm instantly lifted slightly, and a glass of water is brought to my lips. I gulp it down quickly, and I'm thankful to the liquid for soothing my aching throat.

Th-thump th-thump

My eyes go wide as they meet Lee's, and his brow furrows.

"What is it, Lee?" I think in my head, hoping Lee can still hear me.

"I can hear a heart beat.. other than your own.." he says, then I watch his face change entirely, as if he just found out the biggest secret.

"So sweet girl, I sent my daughter after a drink to bring back your energy, the vision took alot out of you." Zira says, giving me a calming smile.

"How did you know about the vision?" I ask, and she begins to grin.

"Because I could feel you experiencing it, and I know why the mother of Terra brought it to you, sweet girl." Zira gives me a wink, but before I can respond, the door opens.

A short mousy girl walks in, beautiful gold hair tied up into a knot on her head with stone Grey eyes. Her eyes meet mine, and she bows instantly.

"Please.. don't do that.." I say, she meets my eyes again, and I can see a new form of respect in them.

"Thank you Zara, my sweet daughter.." Zira smiles at her, taking the cup from her hands, and bringing it to my lips.

Before I can protest I taste the liquid, and instantly relax as it tastes of nuts, and fruit.

"Now that you're getting some energy back, I think it's time for the news.." Zira smiles at me then at everyone else.

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