Chapter 19

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My mind continues to wander as we walk through the thick woods. Aiden is walking ahead of me as Ty walks beside him. Eric is still helping Lily behind me, I look back at him and we make eye contact for a moment before he looks away.

I'm sure he despises me at the moment, he lost his girlfriend because of me. But I couldn't just stay with that woman.

After a few hours of walking we take a break. Eric sits Lily down in the soft grass, and sits down beside her. Aiden and Ty go away from us to talk about something. We are close to a small pond, and the water is completely clear.

I walk over to the edge of the water, and I can see all the way to the bottom of the pond. The water shimmers as if it's made out of millions of diamonds. I crouch down, and run my fingers across the top of the water.

The water comes up to meet me, and I almost fall back due to being startled by what ever it is that is making the water do that.

The water caresses my hand, it's instantly calming and I feel as if what ever this is, is a very gentle being.

"What are you?" I whisper quietly, as soon as the words leave my mouth the water slowly lifts making a shape that almost looks like a body. I stand up, and It bows in front of me, and I bow back.

I feel like It is smiling at me as I stand up straight.

It lifts a hand and I lift mine to match.

I feel a tingle, and soon a voice pops into my head.

I am Lea, I am a water spirit, I mean you no harm princess. I come to give you much strength along your journey. I believe in you..

"What are you doing Ava?!" Eric yells running over to me, he yanks me away and the human figure jerks back falling into the water.

"What do you mean? It wasn't hurting me.. it was talking to me.." I ask confused.

"What exactly did it say?" He puts both hands on my shoulders, and I immediately feel aggravated.

"None of your damn business jerk!" I push him away, and he almost looks hurt, before he looks away and walks back over to Lily. I feel someone behind me, I don't turn around. Instead I look back at the water, I can still feel the spirt.

"He was just trying to protect you Ava.. don't be like that. He knows how Terra can be, he was just looking out for you.." I hear Aiden say quietly.

"He blames me for what happened to her.." I say almost in a whisper.

"He doesn't blame you.. he is trying to put the blame on anyone but the person who actually is to blame.. he doesn't mean it Ava." I can feel Aiden as he gets closer to me. His body is so close that I can feel the heat from it.

"I just want to make things right, but since I turned eighteen nothing has been right.. I'm not ready for all of this.. it's terrifying.. but now I'm the one who has to save this world that is all so new to me?"

"That's why we are here Ava, to assist you along the way. We are all here because this is our destiny." Ty says, slowly walking up beside us.


I feel my knees hit the ground, my body begins to shake.

"Ava?" I hear multiple voices say.

Daughter? Are you there? Time is running out.. I need you, please, hurry.

"Father?!" I yell, I feel my body slowly stop shaking.

"No.. no, no, no.. not now.." Aiden begins to whisper, "It's too soon, we don't have enough time. We need a miracle to get there."

"We have to get there soon, or else I will never meet him.." I whimper.

"We can do it, we just have to ask a certain someone for a favor.." Eric says walking up with a still limping Lily.

"They will never help us.. not after your betrayal.." Lily laughs looking at Aiden.

"Who? Who is it?!" I yell, Aiden looks down at the ground.

"Someone from my past.." he says quietly, not looking at me, "We have no other choice but to find her and get her help.. I'm sure we can arrange something." He finally looks at me, and gives me a small smile.

I feel uneasy with the situation, but I have no other choice. Aiden walks past us, and places his hand on a nearby tree. He mumbles under his breath, and nothing happens.

"Yea, I'm pretty sure she isn't going to answer on the first ring.." Eric says sarcastically.

Aiden starts to try again when we all hear something behind us.

I turn and see a woman behind us.

She is very beautiful, her skin a honey color, and her eyes pure emeralds.

"I was beginning to think I would never see you again Aiden.. but of course you would call me at a time like this." She walks past us and straight to Aiden, she places a slender finger against his chin.

He doesn't look at her, instead he looks directly at me.

She follows his gaze and her green eyes focus on me.

"So.. you must be the one he broke his promise for. You look familiar little girl.. who are you exactly?" She slowly walks towards me.

"I am the kings daughter, we need your help to get to him." I say firmly, not letting her intimidate me.

"Oh I'm sorry, should I call you princess? Well.. Princess.. you are lucky that I do owe your father a favor, but that favor does not come without a price." She looks behind her at Aiden, and I feel a familiar tingle.

"I am the princess, and you will not try to negotiate with me, you will help us get to my father. And you WILL leave Aiden out of this." My voice is as cold as ice, and the woman in front of me almost flinches.

Instead she smiles.

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