Chapter 36

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"Your majesty, I refuse to take Ava back with me.. that is putting her in great risk.." Eric seems to stand taller as he says this. My father stands up and nearly towers over Eric.

"My dear boy, you must have forgot it is the king you are talking to.. and what I say goes. " my father's voice is deadly.

"Your majesty, I request to come along as well.." I hear a voice say as they enter the room. It is Aiden, my heart skips a beat as our eyes meet.

"Me too, your majesty.." Ty says appearing behind Aiden.

"Me as well.." Lily says, her stance suddenly deadly as she comes to stand beside her brother.

"You three are very persistent.. but I guess I can allow it.. though I will send Adriel along with you all so that I do not have a sick soldier on my hands. But Eric and Ava will be going to the rebel base, and you three will be going to stay with Violet. She will be staying in a new house, since her old one has been compromised. The new one is close to the rebel base, but it is cloaked from their eyes. You will all go there first so that you may talk with Violet. Then Eric will take Ava as a hostage to the rebels, but we will have to rough him up a bit so that he looks like he put up a fight to get her." The king says, and suddenly Eric looks frantic.

"But your majesty, we are linked.. if I get hurt then so will she.." Eric says, and suddenly Aiden becomes angry.

"I know, but if she goes back without a scratch she will be even more suspicious.. and we want Scarlett and your father to know that you both are linked.." my father says, and my stomach turns to knots.

"I can't stand by and let her be hurt, because then we all three are going to be hurt the same way.." Aiden says, and I can see a new side to Aiden. His tone is deadly, and he is not at all afraid of my father.

"Oh believe me, I have thought this through.. that is why I am sending you two to the ring.." my father says, and Eric and Aiden both stiffen.

"You can't do that! They won't only be fighting eachother.. but also a Nyx..." Lily says, her voice beautifully deadly.

"I can do what I want, and I know this is the only way to ensure that they will indeed come out with cuts and bruises.. and I don't intend for them to fight eachother.. only the Nyx.. you see this Nyx Can not be banished from Terra because it would wreak havoc on the human world, but it has killed a small village of out people, and it's time that it gets what it deserves. So when they enter the ring with the Nyx, they will have to fight for their life. Because this Nyx refuses to die.." my father waves a hand and suddenly soldiers come into the room and take Aiden and Eric away. I jump from my seat and run after them, but Ty grabs me, and a crying Lily begs me to stop. I break free of their grasp, and continues to run after the soldiers that are taking both pieces of my heart.

I can hear yelling behind me, but I see Aiden and Eric being pulled away from me.

"STOP!!" I yell, my voice changing to something deadly yet beautiful.

The soldiers, don't stop, but in the hall ahead of them the stone floor flies up blocking their way. They finally stop, and I can hear confused gibberish as my body begins to radiate the fire again.

I hear someone calling my name but I can't focus as all I see is rage.

I look at the two faces I am fighting for, and they both fight the soldiers to run to me.

"ENOUGH!!" I hear a man yell behind me, his voice shaking the stone walls.

"You are sending them to their death!" I yell at the man behind me, I know it is the king, I know it is my father, but he is really going to risk them dying just so that his plan looks more real?

"I'm not sending them my daughter, I am sending them to be held till your dead is done.. I am sending you to kill the Nyx.. because I know you will succeed.." he says his voice growing quieter.

I hear Aiden and Eric protesting, but I nod my head. My body still flames. I don't look back at them, I know if I do then I will surely feel my heart break.

I will see them if I kill the Nyx.

I will kill the Nyx..

I have to right?..

My father takes me down a different hallway, and I can feel the flames in my body subsiding.

"Don't hate me for doing this my daughter.. I am only doing what I know you will survive.." he says his voice barely a whisper.

"I've always wanted to meet my mother and father.. and so far... you have both tried to kill me.." I say before I go quiet. His face falls, but only for a moment, he recovers quickly and continues to walk me to the ring.

After a miles worth of twists and turns we exist the castle and enter a small room. There are no doors only a blank stone wall.

He places his hand on the wall and mumbles the now familiar words.

Soon a door appears and he stands back to let me enter. He stops me before I walk through, he puts his hand out and my sword lays in it.

"You will need this.. I will not be in the same location as you in there but I will be there in case something goes wrong. Don't let it win.. I love you my daughter.." I take the sword from his hands and enter into the darkness.

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