Chapter 65

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I crack my eyes open, my body screaming against me. I look around, and see the creature lying a couple yards away. I don't see Aiden anywhere, and force myself up. I know I have a few broken ribs, but I can heal them soon.

I look around, not finding Aiden anywhere. I look to the creature, and instantly run to it. I start doing everything I can to push the creature farther down the hill. Once I manage to roll its head I slides off of an unconscious Aiden, and flips the rest of the way down the hill.

I lean down, and check his breathing.

"You idiot, why did you come after me.." I say, his breathing is shallow, and I know I have to force the pain out of my body, and get him to the others. I cant heal him while I am wounded myself, and I definitely need more than one set of hands for this.

I lift him onto my shoulder, and wince as my body screams in pain. I force myself to climb up the other side of the hollow, and try to hurry to the river.

It takes far longer to get there than it would have before, due to my injuries, and carrying a fully unconscious grown man.

I feel my energy leaving as I get closer to the water. I see a few of the others waiting. They must have known i was coming, I lose my balance, falling to the ground with Aiden. I feel myself being picked up, and soon I'm being laid in the water.

I feel hands pulling me down, and my skin tingles with the effect of the water, and healers. I go unconscious as I feel my body connect with cold stone.

I look around the meadow, I see the small white haired boy sitting alone. He is playing with a wooden toy, I slowly make my way over to him. He looks up smiling at me.

"Hi! My name is Tylon, who are you?" The boy beams at me, I smile down at him.

"My name is Ty, why are you sitting here alone?" I sit down in front of the boy. He plays with his toy for a moment before he looks back up at me.

"My mommy said that I could meet someone really special here. So I come here every day, and wait for them."

"Did she tell you anything about them?" I ask, the boy thinks for a moment.

"She said he is very nice, and that he is the reason I am here.. are you him? We have the same hair!" He says excitedly, I look closer at him, and he giggles.

"I think I need to go soon Tylon, but I will come back, ok? Can you tell your mommy I said Hi?" I asked him, he smiled, and jumped in my arms. I hug him tightly, I hear a woman calling for him, I look up as I stand with him. I sit him down, and my eyes meet the woman at the edge of the meadow. I see tears in her eyes, and she clutches her chest.

I can't say anything, as I'm dragged from the dream.

"Ty! You're awake finally! Thank the mother of Terra!" Vixie squeeked. She crushed me in a hug, and I chuckled at her.

"How is Aiden?" I ask, and hear movement beside me.

"Great, thanks for pulling me from under that creature. Ava would kill me if I didnt bring you back.." he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

My stomach drops as I think about Ava, I miss her so much. I need to gather my family, and the others. I know what has to happen to me, and I need to say my goodbyes.

I gather my bearings, and go to my room for a moment. I hear a knock as I'm gathering some of my weapons, And some of my clothes.

"Come in.." I say, I look up as I see Aiden.

"Ty, I know you are here to say goodbye.. so, I'm sorry I'm here, I'll keep myself out of the way. And just know, destiny isn't always right, it can go one of three ways." He says, I nod, he turns to leave, but stops.

"I still count you as competition, but I'll keep you alive for her.." he says, leaving me in the room alone.

Little does he know, I know what has to happen, especially after my visions. And if I don't do what I need to, then they won't happen.

I love Ava, more than anything.

But I need to secure the future for someone else.

As everyone gathers in the eating hall, I see Fatalia at the head table. She looks at me sorrowful, and I look away as I find my seat. Aiden isn't here, so I can only assume that he took his food in a guest room. Vixie waved me over, and I quickly sat beside her. I made small talk as I ate my food, my people try to avoid meat from the water, so we mostly eat the vegetation.

A few of the younger ones were throwing river grapes at eachother. Vixie had sat us beside her crush, he hadn't linked to anyone, and she hoped they would link when the time is right. I hope that she gets her link, and they have as many children as they want.

I look up to Fatalia, she is smiling as the children banter together. She feels me looking at her, I nod at her, and at the end of dinner she tells all the elders, and family to join us in the conference chambers.

My sister yanks on my elbow, and I look over at her.

"What do you think this is about, Ty?" She whispers as we enter the conference chambers.

"Something that has to happen, it will be ok, Vix." I say, she grows concerned. Before she can say anything Fatalia announces my name, and tells me to come forward. As I do so, Vixie's eyes meet mine, I can see the pain on her face. She knows there is more than what I'm saying, this is a bigger goodbye then the others think.

I wish I could be there to see you meet your link dear Vixie.

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