Chapter 64

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I watch as Lee's body changes, I can't fathom the pain of this transformation. I notice the girls tears are flowing far harder. She is his link, humans are not made for links, but its not uncommon for a half breed to link to a human.

I entwine my fingers with Ava's, and her eyes find mine. She falls into my chest, doing her to hold it together. She doesn't need to express her worry, and pain, I can feel it. I feel the kings eyes on me, and I feel a twinge of jealousy as I notice Eric's hand on Ava's shoulder.

Lee's body stills, and we all look to him. He isn't dull anymore, humans are almost dull in comparison to us. Seeing him now, he looks the same as the king did when he was young. His face more defined, his body longer, more muscular. Built to withstand Terra.

"Lee, my son, can you hear me?" The king says, we see Lee move ever so slightly.

"Fuck, my body hurts.." he mumbles, the girl chuckles through her tears. His eyes open, and shoot to her, he drinks her in, and for a moment their worlds stop.

"I think we should give them a moment alone.." I say, pulling Ava, and Eric out of the room with me.

"I keep getting surprised by this place.." Ava says, her voice tired. Eric goes to her side.

"You're telling me, I've lived here my entire life, and still don't know the full history of it." I say, running a hand through my hair.

I notice Ava stiffen, becoming confused.

"Where is Ty? I know he had to of heard the commotion.." she says, there are words she's not saying, but she doesn't need to. Eric, and I both know that they fell asleep together.

Amongst other things..

"I'm sure he just went to speak to Fatalia, I will go find him. Eric, take Ava back to bed, I can feel her exhaustion. I'll be back with Ty in no time." I lean in, and kiss her at the edge of her lips. She doesn't fight me on this because she knows I will bring him back, and she is far to exhausted to do anything.

"Can do, come on, Ava, I will carry you." He nods at me, before lifting her, and walking back to her room.

I notice Fatalia coming around the corner behind me, and quietly thank the mother of Terra for her coming after Ava left.

"Your majesty, have you seen Ty? Ava is worried about him." I ask, she looks at me, her own body exhausted by something unknown.

"He had to travel home, he had to go alone. If Ava had know the reasons for his absence, she would not have let him leave."

"What do you mean, your majesty?" I ask, becoming worried myself. She motions for me to follow her, she enters a room. As I enter as well, I see a pool, she taps the water with her fingers. I can see in the water the conversation between her, Ty, and the king. As I listen, I have to shut off my emotions, I know that Ava will come looking for me if I don't. Ty needs my help, and I promised to bring him back.

"You are going to find him aren't you?" She says, knowing I will, "well, I guess I could try to use my entrance, so as to keep you from getting harmed by my guards.. you ready dear boy?"

She says reaching her hand out to a wall, she mumbles as a black hole erupts from the wall. She steps through looking back for me to follow her, I follow quickly. The darkness doesn't scare me, but I can tell we are in a far more dangerous part. The darkness is a world that devilish creatures reside in, though they hide in the depths of Terra as well, they were born in the darkness.

After what feels like hours, she comes to a hault in front of me.

"He is just out here somewhere, he hasn't made it there yet, I will let you out, and make my way to the others." She whispers. I curse myself as I realize I forgot my sword yet again.

"Take my dagger, it does not claim me anyway.." she says, handing me her small blade, she lifts her hand and opens a door, the sun is rising now. I step through the door, and she nods before disappearing back into the darkness. I sniff the air, and realize that the river is maybe a few more miles away.

I listen as carefully as I can, to see if I can hear anything. I hear very gentle steps about thirty yards away. I quietly run in the direction, and soon see shimmering blondish white hair walking down a hollow. I started towards him when something tackled me from the side. I started rolling down the hillside, as pain spread through me.

"Aiden! What are you doing here?!" Ty yelled as he ran towards me. He helped me up, as I looked back at the creature that had struck me.

"No time for chitchat.." I coughed, blood dripping from my lips, "something was following you and got me first.." I lift my eyes to the top of the hill.

Ty follows my gaze, and we both see it at the same time.

It's body is easily three times taller than us, it has to weigh more than a car in the human world. Its body would remind one of a bear from the human world, though its movements are almost like a ravenous hyena. Its head is huge, with a mane that looks like a lion.

It roars, and we both tense, we do not have the weapons for this.

"I guess all we have is nature today, Aiden." Ty says, and I see the power building in his hands. Though he is a healer, he has the ability to use forceful healing.

Its as if the healing is so extreme that it actually permanently hardens, and shatters whatever it hits.

"Let's do this.." I say, my hands radiating with raw blinding nature.

The creature storms towards us, Ty runs toward it, I jump towards the nearest tree. I climb quickly as the creature barrels itself at Ty. I watch him swing at the creature, and connect with it's shoulder. It sends him rolling down the hill as it connects with him. Its shoulder is wounded, but it doesn't seem to phase it. I pull the dagger free from my belt, and let my essence flow through it.

The creature is about to charge Ty once more, so I jump from the tree and land on the creatures back, it bucks trying to free itself of me, causing me to drop the dagger. I grip the back of its neck, and stop holding myself back.

I dont feel like my self as I let my essence take over, I feel stronger. I've never experienced the full power of my essence.

My body is glowing as I grip the monsters neck. I look to Ty's limp body, and feel pure rage.

I let out a yell as I drive my hands into the creature skin, it roars as it throws itself down the hill. It's giant paws slamming the ground as it tries to flee from me.

But it doesn't realize, if Ty doesn't wake up, I will kill it's whole kind.

I draw in all the energy possible, and send it shooting into the creature. It's roar is cut off as it tumbles down the hill, sending my body flying. I land not far from Ty, but see too late the creature rolling right toward me.

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